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Messages - David Tjin

House / Re: Mix of the Day
31/07/12, 22:25

Videos / Re: Awsome!
31/07/12, 10:38
rate this thread, from 1 to 10, gw rate -10, keliatannya masalah personal, dan jg pendapat gw sebagai member i dont give a fuk soal dj topless, so far dj2 yg pengen gw liatin gak pernah tuh saingan gig ama dj topless jadi ya i dont give a fuk
haha keren nihhhhh, gw suka bgt feelingnya pas dari track set you free sampe ke jack the tempo  *tepuktangan*
Quote from: gothfather89 on 05/05/08, 22:59
* Gw akan rangkum, cross check...dan mencoba menbuat Blog, Buku soal Indonesia Electronic Dance Music Heroes. And as we know folks...we are all the heroes from this great cultures.


Pulaupasir foundation [PPF]/ Space Lounge, Lampung

btw udah jadi belum bukunya? udah 4 taon nih, penasaran gw ceritanya
19/07/12, 10:53
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 19/07/12, 10:07

haha gw jd keinget aslinya yg pake suara hahahahahahahahahahahaaah
Quote from: nandi on 18/07/12, 01:07
New York and detroit old school influence combined with some nu school twist..next time should add extra acid flavor for maximum pleasure..School em' boy!! Yeaaahhh..

glad you like it!! dengerin mixtape2 jagoan house kiriman lo akhirnya mulai kepengaruh gw hahaha
whoaaaaa soul clap!! fkn incoming bitch!! incoming!! du dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dummmmm

haha thx udh dengerin guys..

gak diumpetin kok pur cuman pas bikin lg sedikit mabok dan udah malem bgt jd males tulis2 hahahaa
sup! here's some new mixing!

enjoy peeps! feedback is more than welcome  ;)
Quote from: Discomfort on 10/07/12, 12:10

Ngobat apa enggak sih itu pilihan personal, ada yg mo ngobat ya silahkan, enggak silahkan. So called "retardations" came in many form, whether the person involved used drugs or not. I've seen drug free idiots getting high on self righteousness as often as I see idiots taking drugs as a way to get recognitions. As far as I see here, drug related comments were nothing but jokes anyway, so perhaps its shouldn't be taken too seriously.     

hehe to each their own, man.. but if you ask me, id rather be drug free idiot gettn high on self righteousness than idiot taking drugs as a way to get recognitions

dan juga kalo lo baca lagi post gw, yg gw bilang sih if youre into drugs so be it, gak perlu bilang2 ahahaha selain bahaya buat yg ngomong, bahaya juga buat yg baca kalo ngga ngerti dan iman gak kuat

as far as joke goes, drugs =/= cool
no offense ya, tapi kenapa harus ada drug reference ya di hampir setiap post disini.. if you're into drugs, so be it, gak perlu bilang2, kasian buat yg baru mulai kaya gw kan jadi kepikiran kalo mau enjoy music harus ada vitamin

Re: [POLL] Apa sebenarnya yg diinginkan EDM crowd?
coba kalo dance music drug-free.. dijamin org2 lebih selektif milih musik kalo emang dalam keadaan sadar.. but then again, popular genre disini sih kayanya gak bisa dinikmatin tanpa pengaruh obat2an.. which i think is RETARDED!

sekali lagi ini cuman pendapat penonton aja, gw cuman penggemar dan bukan dj pro
teorinya sih s2 + k2 lebih banyak button, knob, dan fadernya, dibanding sama s4.. tinggal lo aja niat mapping ato ngga, gw sih personally males mau mapping2 apalagi di traktor, pusingnya minta ampun gak ada tombol 'learn' nya

ato kalo lo mau nyontek mapping traktor ke sini aja

kalo soal colokan usb, bisa aja pake usb hub tapi lo beli yg pake adaptor buat jaga2, soalnya dari yg gw baca2 kalo soundcard pake usb hub yg murah (non adaptor) ada pengaruhnya ke suara.. usb hub pake adaptor banyak di manggadua, merek belkin, transcend, etc. harga 150rb-an palingan
Music / Re: Track of the day
06/07/12, 21:33
buat lo danzig.. albumnya session victim beneran worth checking out  ;D

i love this thread  :-*
Quote from: echaaaa on 04/07/12, 02:17
then you have much to learn young padawan .....

mixing standar ga ada salahnya,but to trully rock the crowd by having the skills to layer a lead horn + accapella di atas lagu lain ,sehingga jadi versi baru or a live mashup selain crowd bisa ngerasain set lo beda sama dj2 lain,itu juga showmanship , ga semua crowd dateng cuma sekedar untuk musik,ada crowd yang dateng buat ngeliat skill dan apa yang kita bisa lakuin sebagai DJ untuk ngasi warna baru ke musik yang udah jadi

meh.. to each their own.. ini ada video dari idola gw dj T. yg gak make efx, juggling, sampling or whatever..


dan bukan cuman dia aja.. most of house heads yg gw suka juga santai aja tuh, no scratching, no flanger, no hands in the air, no over the top dancing..

decent tracks and deeper understanding of music is all you need..
kayanya partynya sukses, congrats dra bisa tahan 6 jam  *bgs*  luar biasa hahaha perlu dedikasi tinggi itu   *tepuktangan*

sayang gak kerekam yaa
i want more drugs!! MOARR!!

but on a serious note, gw sebagai penonton faktor yg gw pertimbangkan 99% musikalitas dari djnya (sudah pasti gw cek dulu sound si dj itu gw suka ato ngga..  kalo emang gw suka soundnya trus gw cari tau lagi is he fake or not? apakah dia emang passionate ama musik? ato cuman in it for the money/fame/bullshit) 1%nya lagi itu venuenya/crowdnya/etc.etc.

jujur aja kalo di dalam satu ruangan cuman ada gw dan dj yg gw suka maenin musik yg gw suka, fk the whole world! i'd be dancing the whole night!

oh iya bir juga perlu.. biar gak cape joget2
emang tuhhh haha gak bosen2 gw

thx ud dengerin yaa
Quote from: anggabc on 27/06/12, 16:56
Very Classy Deep House! Smooth w deep bassline, nice selections tracks! keren bro set lo...  *bgs* *bgs*

hehe thx udah dengerin bro   *piss*
punkmoses my mannnn!!!! wekekekeke gw mau mulai dari mana yaaaaa.....

kalo nyari gig di 365 gw masih faaaaar from qualified jujur ajaa but thx for the tips tho  ;D

soal mixtape lo gw jujur aja liat tracklistnya sih aint nothing deep about SHM or avicii or thomas gold or 'show me love', they are the opposite of deep IMO, yah tapi persepsi org soal musik beda2 juga sih

saran gw sih coba buka discogs or wikipedia dulu dan kenalin musik yg lo suka sebelum lo coba2 buka subgenre baru kaya lo bilang swedish melodic house

enjoy your stay di ravelex yaaaaaaa
hey thx ndra, moga2 ntar bisa kaya elu gpp gw sabar nunggu 10 tahun lagi ahahahahaha
hehehe thx purrrrr, gw pm tracklistnya yaa kayanya taste kita mirip2 *highfive*
kenapa? sedih ya? i feel you bro.. :( dunia kehilangan salah satu team dj terbaik abad ini..

hahaha true that.. feedback tanpa basa basi is not a myth! but on the other hand gw suka shameless promotion dan mendukung dj topless ahahaha whoop mtfkn whoop LOL

thx for listening bro  *piss*
kalo di shoot mrk masih pake music policy yg sama kok, kemaren resident djnya took a very big chance on me ( thx KI  :-* ) ngasi gw slot maen deep house yg ujung2nya di komplen sama managernya dan "bottle service crowd" mrk demand musik yg lebih kenceng di jam 10.. rest assured dj setelah gw udah maen normal seperti biasa  ;D

boleh Cosa Nostra hehe, kabarin lah kalo dateng ke medan, I'd be very grateful kalo dikasi maenin lagu yg gw suka disana ehehe..