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Messages - kana_oksid

Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 16/05/06, 20:42
We miss Jill Van Diest a/k.a MC 69...
perbanyak forum interview dgn berbagai kalangan dj dari berbagai genre/style,ada informasi ttg chart local dj,bla..bla..blaaaa

peace 8)
buat gol terbanyak (top scorer ) di piala dunia jerman 2006 ,estimasi gw:
2.thiery henry
suhu naro kalo udah buka baju (serasa mau berenang juooo...heheheheh)
Quote from: 1945MF on 01/06/06, 17:06
FUNKULATOR - JACKIE REVERSE (DJ Romy Expand Funk remixes) akhirnya di aproff to be one of the FUNKULATOR track mixes at label REVERSE di Italy.. minggu depan release di Europe. It's a summer track anyway.. Available in 12 Inch records and Digital Download..
Support ya guys.. Kalo udah release di sana gue gampang ke label yg lain soalnya..


good luck deh mas rom
-udah tipsy berat ,di tanyain mau tambah minum mas ? sama waiters/bartender
-ngelihat cowok yg jogedanya nempelin burungnya ke pantat cewek di saat crowded(kesempatan hehehehh)
-ngorek 2 kantong jeans depan , kirain duit cepekan ,nggak tahunya cebanan tinggal selembar ( sial...) 
Quote from: funkytechnotribe on 15/05/06, 14:24
Quote from: betagirl on 15/05/06, 08:06
apaaa ajaaaa yg bkin merinding diskooo....yg penting asooy... ;D

iya...iya...disko :P

yoo ehhh deskoooo
double six piye ?
agustus banyak party nggak nih bali ?
masuk ke monggomas ...lagu tung 2 berasa dengerin global underground kekekek...gara-gara giorgio armani 1 1/2 ...gokil
chris M
double dee
Quote from: Absolut_vodka on 27/03/06, 00:46
So there seems to be quite a few songs out there that have been inspired by Indonesia. These are some of the electronic dance music songs I've come across when searching for music.

John Digweed - Warung Beach (not yet released)
Above & Beyond - Indonesia
Brian Laruso - Seminyak
Robert & Jaron - Walls Of Indonesia (as featured in  Armin's compliation CD)
Bakke And Joni - Bali (Ljungqvist remix)
Dr Who & Neoverse & Mike G - Evening In Bali
Jairus Miller - Sumatra

Bandung (Sub-label of Armin Van Buuren's Armada Music and owned by Harry 'Lemon8' Lemon)

what other songs are there that are inspired or influenced by indonesia?
sasha & digweed - gamelan
jose padilla - adios ayer
gw lihat di website nya elektr666 mau main di wb nih bung edie ?
support kang :)
very driving techno, cakeeeppp !
ring my bell, di discotheque (hehehheh) "earthquake" yg di monas ...dancefloor nya goyang-goyang..
waktu itu jam 9 malem udah buka..gw numpang pipis abis study tour sd di monas ,halahhhh :P
whats up dj naro ???
kangen boooo ;)
Although Sasha has clearly reached a celebrity status, it¹s his generous personality, his love for his peers and of course his completely candid humour that has enabled him to maintain such a likeable high profile in the often-fickle world of club culture. Always one to share what comes his way, Sasha invited long time friend and collaborator BT to take part in what he called "one of the most amazing musical experiences in my life". He is referring to his experience out at Peter Gabrielle¹s Real World studio in 1998 where Sasha explains in a mixer article, "we were in there for a week and were just going to do one track (during Real World¹s annual recording week where artists from all over the world are invited to Bath to record at the famous studios). "There were so many talented musicians around and the vibe down there was incredible. People were walking in, hitting things, strumming things, and slapping their goats! There were mad African people everywhere. We ended up recording five tracks and finishing four".

very very down to earth
astrid suryanto nggak jadi dateng ?
Quote from: The Devil on 14/02/06, 13:11
04-02-2006 from www.tiesto.com

Living in Los Angeles

I moved to Los Angeles temporarily to get some rest and work on new music in January. In the first 2 weeks it was really strange for me to be in one city for so long but now I am really soaked in this lifestyle. Every day during the week I go to the studio and occasionally I go out on weekends. I sleep 8 hours a night, eat 4 times a day and go to the gym 3 times a week. My body doesn't know what's happening! No crazy late nights or spending hours and hours on planes. So I feel like a champ at the moment!

I am working in several studios in Hollywood and with several producers and singers/songwriters. Hollywood is full of them! So much talent in one town... One of them, Brian Transeau (BT) is one of the best producers in the world. I've been a fan of his music since he produced Mercury & Solace, so for me it's a great honour to work with him and also it is very inspirational. He is a crazy multitasker, working on tracks with me, meanwhile doing 2 movie soundtracks. Circuit bending kids' toys to get the most crazy sounds out of them, directing visuals for his experimental album and taking care of his sweet daughter of 2! It's amazing to work with somebody who is just as crazy about house music as I am. We have real love for it and that shows on the tracks we are making now. We have a lot of fun, and that is essential for creating music. Be happy about what you're doing and really mean it. Brian and I are both extremely enthusiastic people, and so we are able to show that to our crowds, just because we love it so much!

The other day we were talking about some other famous dj's who have the privilege to travel around the world, but when behind the decks they look like some family member has just passed away ;). While spinning your music for a great crowd, how can you look so miserable? The only way you can stand behind the decks and look like that is when you're not happy with yourself or with the music you play.

I had just a few gigs where I was not that happy last year, and of course people saw that reflected on me, but the reasons for that are always technical, and never emotional. If my monitor sucks (which happens quite a lot), or my equipment doesn't work properly then I get pissed off. But never because I don't like the crowd or what I am doing. I found out I still have the same passion for dj-ing as when I started. Of course it feels a little bit different if it is the first time you play for 25.000 people or the 10th time, but that's more about the expectations people have and not about me not loving it. I still love dj-ing more than anything in the world!

Meanwhile, I am also compiling my new 'In Search Of Sunrise 5' mixalbum which will be released in late April. I get sent sooo many great tracks from producers from all over the world, it's crazy. I am gonna mix it here in L.A. in the next 2 weeks, so I am very excited about that as well...

So, love to you all from me in Los Angeles, and if you bump into me on Hollywood Boulevard, don't be a stranger :-)!


p.s.I just said B.T and I love housemusic because back in 1994 there was only one style of dancemusic named housemusic..So when i talk about housemusic i mean all the possible styles you can imagine.

celebrity kills !!! :P
11pm-04 am udah cukup pas....
kalo di bawah jam 4 banyak ketiak-ketiak yg mulai anget dan mengeluarkan senyawa berantakan ahhhhhhh
Quote from: DIMDOK on 03/02/06, 15:34
gue setuju bgt sama siska.

kalo crowd yg diem aja rata 2x itu susah di baca pikirannya, sebenernya lagu kayak kayak apa sih yg mereka pengenin. tapi kalo crowd yg antusias DJnya pun juga bakal semangat untuk ngasih lagu 2x yg keren. makanya posisi DJ booth itu sangat menentukan.
in conclusion, DJ and crowd adalah kesatuan yg bisa menghidupkan dunia clubing.

PS: bahasanya the abank berat bener ya, udah kayak santri.

peace  ;)

crowd yg diem - diem bukannya susah di baca pikirannya sob,bisa aja dalam keadaan setengah tipsy (hayahhh,,,,) ada sugeng(susu ageng heheheh) nempel di mukanya atau beberapa model yg pake belahan dada besar sudah ngecap keringet sehingga no bra nya ngecap...yukkkkkk :'(
beneran besok di centro ?
apaan nih juooo ? promotor ? atau group ?
double dee