@SGS: tuker sama topi ya....!!
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Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party26/12/06, 13:32
@SGS: tuker sama topi ya....!!
@rojinoni: NGERTII BENEEEERRRRR..... #777
Jakarta Events / Re: Mimi Presents : Dream Maker @ Bross Lounge.26/12/06, 13:24
kok nama gue ngga ada...?ngambek ah...
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ's Gathering?26/12/06, 13:18
iihhh...ngeri amat sih pake battle2an...perang2an gitu...?
Visual Jockey / Re: your memorable gig??26/12/06, 13:13
the most chaos gig:
1. Johan Gielen (bali-200?) maen open air, tiba2 ujan deres & gue harus turun nyelametin notebook kepleset2 secara DJ boothnya alami penuh dengan lumut2... 2. Agoose sixperience & Launch cd clubhoppers #04 (MBC & WB) gue maen atas bawah lari2an sendirian..!!! the most memorable: 1. Jakarta Movement 04 - 4 room semua screeningsnya gue yg maen, dah gitu gue cuma sendirian sementara yg seharusnya bantu2in gue malah BLUR...!!! 2. Andy moor (K7) - disitu gue ngerasa kalo ngluarin footage terang langsung semua ngeliat ke arah gue dgn tatapan penuh benci....!!! 3. Overdrive (WB) - bisa maen sama legendary VJ & banyaklah suka dukanya waktu itu.... #781
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party23/12/06, 07:34
@Rino Jino: udah kecatet yg mau gue bagi ke elu.....huhuhuhu
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?22/12/06, 17:54
Hidup VJ seindonesia lah...*numpang nyampah...
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party22/12/06, 17:40
given to Deny 10 free invitations...anyone else..?
Jakarta Events / Re: The white room, babyface, 21 december 200622/12/06, 17:19
yah secara tom....DJ RINO JINOOOOO....
Jakarta Events / Re: The white room, babyface, 21 december 200622/12/06, 14:37
aahh...VIN + bisaaaaaaa.....wah, senangnya diajak ngewine sama DJ KONDANG....
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party22/12/06, 12:31
@Deny: berapa biji..?
ayoooo...sapa lagiii...70 biji niiiiihhh... #787
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party22/12/06, 11:48
siaaapppp....ayooo siapa lagiii....siapa lagiiiiiiiiii....?
Jakarta Events / [ACHTUNG..!!] CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party | Invitations22/12/06, 11:20
guys..karena ini closing party jadi CLUBHOPPERS siapin 70 invitation buat dibagi-bagiin....
yg mau invitnya langsung posting ya disini, jadi gw bisa langsung atur pembagiannya...!!! cheers.... #789
Jakarta Events / Re: The white room, babyface, 21 december 200622/12/06, 07:53
asliiii....makanya sekarang ganti nama jadi CHRIS MEWAAAAAHHH.....
Jakarta Events / Re: The white room, babyface, 21 december 200622/12/06, 05:07
The MIMI's DJ's and DJ Chris.M the newest member from M1/43 SOUND...Congrats...!!!
Jakarta Events / Re: The white room, babyface, 21 december 200622/12/06, 04:47
report from WHITE ROOM @ BABYFACE......well, u guys can tell what happens there by seing this pic.....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?22/12/06, 04:14
walaaaaahhh.....ada DJ kondang, Produser handal....DJ Chris Mewaaaahhh......
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?21/12/06, 21:30
ouuuuu...therapy herbal..?huhuhuhuhu.....bilang ama dia gw ajakin nyanyi stone temple pilots lagi..!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: Cairan yang ngikutin Beat...:D21/12/06, 20:33
betul sekali ricco sepet.....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?21/12/06, 15:54
uuuuhhh....arya tuh sexy apalagi kalo lagi naek goped....huuuuhuhuhuhu...turns me on...huahuahuahau...sedooott wiiirrrrr....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?21/12/06, 10:44
halaaahh...serius niihh...sepiiikk lu yabb...!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?21/12/06, 09:49
nadia hutagalung emang juara....rianti juga bole deh tuh,..arya juga sexy tuh sooobbb...!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: VJ on DUTY list for New Year Eve Party21/12/06, 09:44
wah...beef prosperity enak banget tuh soobb...mau diadain lagi ya..?
Main Talk / Re: [Quiz] RECFLECT UR KRZRness @ 91.60 INDIKA FM21/12/06, 09:39
gampang kok cm ngebalik2 kata doang...