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Messages - RoniJoni

pasti dateng dong..sokil gob
Quote from: A B R I E L on 04/03/07, 06:05
Quote from: RoniJoni on 03/03/07, 17:30
go go 7/24..!!!maju teyuzzz

huuuu jadi bego nih daku kemarin.... dasar orang sakit..!! Bantu-bantulah..!!

wakakakkakakka ...ayo dong ancur2 lagi..!!
siap mau dtng ah..hehehee
sukses ya brow...!!
support brow..!!!
@hati gembira:heheehehhhehe ..kbr2in tya brow
@xieta: son kangen daku hehehe..sekolah yang bener lo..biar cpt pulang ke indo..okay..
@ andre+sepet :hehehehe untuk mencari sebutir x x x..hehehee
thx 4 support bro..!!!!
tabah ya,,,turut bela sungkawa..
yah daku dateng pas edi mau udahan..heheheee..nyesel..!!hhhee
line up nya sapa ???seru tuh rome..!!!
wah kayanya jadi nih rj vs dilaa..!!!!

tgl 21 d jk7..!!!
blm tau opening nya sapa n closingnya  sapa..!!!

support ya..!!!
wajib dateng yak teman2/klo mau invit minta d abriel..!!!!!!

mau vi a ampe z///yang penting ...ngarab sugab..hehehe
full support..!!!!!

yang main byk bgt ya,,,,serbu...!!!!hehehee
maap daku ngga hadir......sukses brow..!!
nike dong,....!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8)
cool!!!!keren lok..!!
@strawberry:heheheh dikau jg mukenya melintir,,,hehhee

@duckvader:siap.....!!!!!.tp muke harus berantakan sob.heheh canda..yuhuuu

@toms:iya d sewa ma team cagur..hehhhee..mereka msh kenceeeng..hehee

@andre:hehhehe..iya ampe terang..iya rabu kemaren d bros..hehehehe

@hati gembira:sob telp2 daku dong..hehehe biar bareng2..kan si orson  titipin dikau ke daku..hhhehhe

@r'angel:heheh cdjnya enak kok klo udh nyoba..hehehhee..thx ya udh dtng

@ jana:hehhhe iya daki tau ..canda doang..hehheee.cya jg
heheheh sukses mas tensi..maap ya daku ngga bs main..!!!
tp kan ada dj jelly tuh..okeh bgt ..hehehehhe..

full support...!!!

salam ma sushi susanti,,hehhehehe
maap daku tak hadir.tgl 17 gaspol sob..hhwhhhhehehehe
dateng yuk yuk support mas edy..!!!!
hehehehe ...dateng yuk yuk yuk..!!!