cuzzy a.k.a. nces??
nice to know u....welcome to jakarta...kapan kesini lagi...?
nice to know u....welcome to jakarta...kapan kesini lagi...?
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Visual Jockey / Re: Visuals at Gooodness soundsystem featuring EAT @ Zouk-Phuture Singapore20/12/06, 18:23
cuzzy a.k.a. nces??
nice to know u....welcome to jakarta...kapan kesini lagi...? #804
Disk Jockey / Re: Female DJ Indonesia???20/12/06, 16:05
iya nih...ternyata nyampah seru juga...hauhauhauhauahuhauah......ketularan ija...hauhauhauhau....
Main Talk / [Quiz] RECFLECT UR KRZRness @ 91.60 INDIKA FM20/12/06, 15:43
Win Rp. 150.000,- cash money Every Monday to Friday from 18 Dec 2006 to 5 Jan 2007 and win 1 MotoKRZR phone for Grand Prize....
stay tune on 91.60 INDIKA FM.... #806
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?20/12/06, 15:09
2007 nitip ada costnya...hauhauhauhauhau...
Disk Jockey / Re: Female DJ Indonesia???20/12/06, 15:04
AA dimdoooooookkk.....huhuhauauhau....
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?20/12/06, 08:06
sekarang kan udah tobat sooobbb...jadi melar gini guenya....
New Year 2007 / Re: RESOLUTION 200718/12/06, 14:55
@jimprut: hehehe...bosen aja megang mata uang rupiah....hehehe...
@prass: cuekin aja sob, gw juga dulu suka dismsin kaya gitu sm paris.... #813
Jakarta Events / Re: TIESTO NOT DEAD, 16 DEC @ CENTRO18/12/06, 12:20
@stonish: elu melintir dua kali bukan..?sesi centro ama sesi siang..?
Jakarta Events / Re: TIESTO NOT DEAD, 16 DEC @ CENTRO18/12/06, 12:01
@ija: gw gak meleleh sob...cuma nempel doang di depan dj booth bareng omphie....hauauauha....
Disk Jockey / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Dj DENY ( Indika FM )18/12/06, 10:37
HAPPY B'DAY BRO...makin canggih, makin sangar maennya..!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?18/12/06, 10:27
@richard: asliii soobbb...gue inget banget footage elu yg mata warna kuning2 itu kan..? hehehe...dulu richard maen buat E-groove nih...hehehe...sekarang maen pake DVD player lagi masih mau soob..?
Jakarta Events / Re: CLUBHOPPERS TRIPLE DECKER IX | The Closing Party15/12/06, 17:17Quote from: stonish on 14/12/06, 16:15 udah ga megang sooobbb.....sekarang maen aja..ngeri megang.. #818
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?15/12/06, 10:29
yg mana jo'..?kalo yg diatas gue sih DJ fave gue nih...DJ RINO JINO huhuhuhuhu.....eksis deh lu sop...hauhuahuahu
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?14/12/06, 23:40
@uyab: iiiihh cubit nanti ketemu nessi....!!!
@rhiya: makasih rhiyaaaa...hihihi.... #820
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?14/12/06, 22:41
@SGS: ya olooohhhh uyaaabbb...ternyata elu suka ama gue ya...besok kita foto bareng ya uyaabbb...besok kita bikin foto dibaju bedua....huahauhauhauhauh.....thank u guys...
Visual Jockey / Re: Siapa VJ Favorite?14/12/06, 20:39
wah..kalo gue sebenernya kurang tau perkembangan VJ luar ya...cuma menurut gw Mischa Klein, VJ V2, Inside Us All bisa lah masuk yg gue suka...kalo gue yg ngefans banget sih Michel Gondry.......
kalo VJ lokal gue ngefans ama semuanya.....gue posting komen,pesan & kesan aja deh ya can...!! 1. Roots Digitalized : ini gerombolan VJ yg mempunyai hobi & kegemaran yg sama ky gue,hehe...ini juga merupakan gerombolan VJ yg SANTAAIIII tp innovate teruuuussss....hehehe... 2. Mutter666motion: VJ ini beneran HANDAL..!!VJing with 4 DVD player,sebuah remote,tanpa monitor tanpa AV switcher..!!!heheheh....ex drummer PAS band,skater,tatoan.....MANTEP..!!! 3 Electrovlex: duo VJ yg EKSISSS berat,hehehe...duo VJ ini juga punya hobi yg sama ky gue...hehhe..NYELA-NYELAIN ORANG LEBAY lewat MSN/YM..huhuhauhauhu...dulu katanya dendem ama gue...beneran sob..?? 4. Biosampler: ini juga gerombolan VJ yg cukup aneh & still going on till now..hehehe...legendary VJ nih guys..!!maen pake OHP,minyak goreng,kawat nyamuk,wantek kaen,ikan mas....RIBEEETTT...!!!! SUPPORT INDONESIAN VJ'S #822
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 18:18
emang iya ya..??btw elu siapa ya..??mmm..kalo gue itu siapa..??*amnesia...*
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 14:46
hmmm..??emang pernah ya gw maen di K7..??hehehhee....
Visual Jockey / Re: behringer BCD 2000 vs numark nuvj?14/12/06, 11:09
bukannya BCD 2000 itu buat music/dj ya..???
Visual Jockey / Re: Genre14/12/06, 10:14
wahhh...can..kalo gue sih genrenya mungkin "Dark n' Dirty"....hehehehe,agak terlalu idealis sih...jadi darknya itu diambil karena gw sukaaaa banget maen&produce footage real shot yg bisa dibilang agak2 berbau violence,torture,darah,murder,suffer,devilish & hal2 yg berhubungan dgn penindasan&kegelapan deh sob...coz buat gue hal2 itu bener2 seni..(Nine Inch Nails - Happiness in slavery for example)...cukup banyak footage gw yg kaya gitu & kalo gw pasang discreen juga orang jadi bener2 hypnotized...hehee,tapi tergantung lagu yg dipasang DJ juga sih...
dirtyynya mgkn karena gw suka masukin footage/gambar2 yg kadang ngga pantes dipasang discreen tapi bisa trigger crowd to do deerrtyyy thing...hehe...... well,intinya sih i got my own style of playin' and producing....hehehe...gitu loh icaaaann..!!!!!MAKANYA DATENG DONG LU SEKALI-KALI,BELAGUUUU....!!!! *maap...kepanjangan...maap ya... |