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Messages - bimzkee

makasi hehe.. mike sorry baru baca sms nya pas kelar main... jumat di centro yaa
pangeranmu naik mobilnya nyentrik loh.. hehehe

heuheuheu... gawat2.. padahal lagi jelek2 loh :P
gue dukung kumpeni alias BELANDA!!
sebenernya inggris, sayang gak masuk euro taun ini, hiks
thanks ndra! all the best 2 u 2...
eh akhirnya gpp kan lo malam itu hehe
min gue gak di itung neehhh??? hehehe
konperm kok gue tgl 22
Quote from: fLawLeSS on 05/06/08, 15:52
Quote from: bimzkee on 05/06/08, 15:41
gue juga bintaro sob hehehe... si benny udin apakabar tuh perek atu? :P

hhhahaha hallo bima, hehehe benny masih sibuk melacur sob..
hehe gawe dia di thamrin, kapan ni kumpul2 bareng kite ??

kabar2in aja sob... sekali2 temu ramah sama sesama warga bintaro hehehe... :)
salam buat si perek satu itu ya, bilang suruh telp gue hehehe...

c u bro
kalo gue yang pertama2 banget adalah

1. my best buddy back in Melbourne 1999.. Normano a.k.a Norman yang udah ngasih gue nyoba turntable sampe gue ketagihan dan mulai beli records
2. Normano's brother a.k.a Wiwiz, DJ senior yang sangat2 bijaksana hehehe
3. Stacey pullen - yang selalu jadi inspirasi gue
4. My mates @ Electrosoul, now n then... sama kayak paledut yg mengalami roller coaster journey
5. Miko manusia bawel yang penuh petuah,
6. Abang & Naro spt kata debon, yang udah banyak bgt bantu electrosoul dimasa2 awal berdirinya
7. Anton & Future10 yang memperkenalkan scene ini ke gue back in around 1994-1995 hehehe...
Quote from: beyb on 08/06/08, 15:56
seruuuu rameee!!

imho, best performance last night was bimzkee *tepuktangan* walopun ga sampe abis, hehe

sorry ga sempet keatas.. nyangkut dibawah ;D

thanks sob... jadi malu hehehe... :P

thanks 4 coming ya... ur presence that night .. really2 meaningful to us...

love u all...
Main Talk / Oversupply of DJs?
06/06/08, 22:04
Lagi kepikiran aja nih akhir2 ini, secara banyak banget bermunculan DJ2 baru which is bagus banget, karena dengan begitu kita bisa ngeliat perkembangan EDM di tanah air...


di satu sisi, karena banyaknya DJ2 baru tadi, apakah menurut lo jadi oversupply? Karena kalo diliat perkembangan club sendiri juga gak secepat perkembangan DJ2 yah... terus kalopun diliat dari kesempatan utk mereka perform.. jarang banget...

well.. gue bikin thread ini lebih ke pingin tau aja... gimana menurut temen2 disini semua ngimbangin supply DJ yang, menurut gue sih udah banyak banget nih skrg ini... gue gak tau deh apakah hal ini pernah di bahas sebelumnya...

again... coba utarain opini lo masing2... saran2 dan mungkin kritik membangun utk berbagai pihak terkait mengenai ini...


PS: jangan dijadikan ajang hujat menghujat yaaa... ;)
wiken yang luluh lantah nampaknya...

centro akan dihuni para setan haeuheauhaeuhaeu.....

c u guys all..
gratisan ape niiiiihhhh hehehehehe
gl atas nama ravelex sudah disiapkan
heheh sensi lo cil...
ga usah lama2 dit, besok aja tgl 7.. schedule gue di wb jam 4-5 kok hihihihi..
kebayang dong
thanks .. anyone else..?? hehehe
hehe iya maap.. skrg sudah di update ya...

mau liat drakula gendut gak? nanti semur gue kasih gigi2an sama jubah drakule.. hehehehehe....
stop the OOT discussion.. or i lock this topic!
lagi sedikit research.. hehehe...

please give it a score out of 10

will ya?

thanks guys
sunday 15 confirm .. count me in!
keypadnya bisa ganti2 sesuai fungsinya, kalo jadi mp3 player dia nyalanya cuman play pause previous n next doang.. kalo lagi jadi henfon, ya tuts2 nomor, kalo video/camera keypadnya berubah jadi tombol capture sama zoom..
udah, tspi belum banyak yang jual..

harganya kalo gak salah 2.990.000 IDR

berminat beli?

Menurut lo henfon ini gimana?

The ROKR E8 from Motorola has become the most talked about gadget, even though it hasn't been launched so far. Announced in the end quarter of last year, the handset will soon hit the market place. With dimensions of 115 mm x 53 mm x 10.6 mm and a weight of just 100 g, the handset would be a convenient and light gadget to be carried in your purse, pocket or hands.

The Motorola ROKR E8 is going to be another star in the ROKR range of phones from Motorola, as the phone is said to posses a stunning look and a TFT screen that's capable of showing 256,000 colours and has the resolution of 240 x 320 pixels. Besides the looks, the handset has got a dynamic memory. Apart from the internal memory of 2GB, external memory of upto 4GB is also there so you don't have to worry about the memory of your phone. You can easily roam across the world as the handset automatically switches between GSM Quad 950, 1800, 850, and 1900 modes.

Using this handset is really enjoyable for those who love music, games, and capturing shots that attract them. The ROKR comes with a 1600x1200 pixel camera that lets you capture your favourite shots or record the desired footage. You can store the video for later viewing or sharing with others. Besides the camera feature, you have the FM radio and music player that let you enjoy listening to your favourite music channel and favourite music whenever you wish to. The games that come pre-installed let you have fun while you are out or sitting idle at home.

Now you don't need to worry about making calls every time you wish to contact your family, friends or colleagues as the messaging service (that includes the MMS, SMS, IM, and email) incorporated in this gadget lets you stay connected to others without actually requiring to make a call. This Bluetooth enabled phone provides you with easy connectivity to other Bluetooth compatible devices. The handset also supports EDGE, GPRS, HSCSD, Infrared, and USB connectivity. Besides this, you can stay connected to the web while on the move as this gadget comes with WAP internet browser.

The handset has got all the features that can be looked for in a latest mobile handset. It's got a huge memory, smart casing, optimum performance output and what not.