namanya juga radio wadia bala anak muda bos.. kalo gak emo2an ya house2an hehehe..
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - BuNi #826
Jakarta Events / Re: GROOVE COVERAGE @ DOUBLE SIX BALI05/11/06, 01:19
namanya juga radio wadia bala anak muda bos.. kalo gak emo2an ya house2an hehehe..
Breaks / Re: Oiii Sepi amat nih ???15/10/06, 15:13
udah di install belom Soulseeknya bos?. kalo belom Dl dulu disini
kalo udah tinggal ketik aja apa yg mau dicari di kolom searchnya, tar kan keluar hasilnya, yang warna item bisa langsung di DL. yang abu2 harus ngantri dulu, yang merah gak bisa di DL #828
Disk Jockey / Re: Niki Belucci The Topless DJ !! (WARNING !.. Nudity Inside)15/10/06, 00:25Quote from: jazzymike on 14/10/06, 14:14 pusink pala atas sama pala bawah hehe.. #829
Disk Jockey / Niki Belucci The Topless DJ !! (WARNING !.. Nudity Inside)13/10/06, 21:03
gokil nih ada Dj cewe dari Hungaria yang kalo lagi spin dia topless alias Telanjang !.. (gak masuk angin apa ya)
namanya Niki Belucci tapi dia bukan DJ ecek2 lhoo.. udah sampe tur euro segala Linknya : Official Site : Gallery (yang lg puasa jgn buka ya hehe) ![]() Discography: Niki Belucci Born: 10.03.1983, Budapest Music trend: Funk house, Club House, Progressive & Techno At present: DJ and presenter in the Hungarian Cool TV (Program named "Taxid") In 2003 she wanted to deal with her DJ career seriously, which was just her hobby until than. In this time she moved smaller clubs by clubs with her bakelite records amusing the audience. Niki threw herself into the club-life in autumn of 2003. Thanks to her talent she is travelling through the country and moreover she makes music regularly in Serbia, Slovakia, Romania and Austria. Clubs - Appearance Ipar Disco - Mezőberény, Hungary Higlander Club - Sárospatak, Hungary B7 Palace - Budapest, Hungary XXL Club - Dombóvár, Hungary E-Club - Budapest, Hungary B7 Club - Budapest, Hungary Budapest Parade 2004/05 - Budapest, Hungary Disco Bollwerk - Klagenfurt Disco Bollwerk - Graz, Austria Disco Bollwerk - Niklasdorf, Austria Disco Baby O - Graz, Austria Disco Milenium- Krems- Austria Disco Amadeus-Linz- Austria Club Xl- Ybbs-Ausrtia Nightlife - Vöcklabruck, Austria Club-Castello-Komárnó_Slovakia Club Komplex-Nove Zamky-Slovakia Club Fasion-Brassow-Romania Club Discoland- Timi Soara-Románia Club CCCR- Timi Soara-Románia Up Town Klub-Sibiu-Románia Club Angels-Craiova-Romania Club Komplex-Nove Zamky-Slovakia Club Relax-Bácsszöllős-Serbia Club Empire - Passau- Germany Niki's appearances are accompanied by Emese Bogáth's vocal. Emese Bogáth, who takes part in Niki Belucci's Album 1234, has strong professional experience in spite of her young age. She has song the Everything Counts song on the Album Tribute To Depeche Mode, and in the band Sugar& Spice, she takes part as vocalist in Adrienn Fehér's Album and on the live concerts of the band, Fiesta, and she has worked together with Hungarian musician, Robert Szikora. #830
Culinaries / Food / Re: Temapat Jajanan Favorit Di Kota Kalian11/10/06, 02:23
makan di atas tubuh wanita lebih sip..
Culinaries / Food / Re: Temapat Jajanan Favorit Di Kota Kalian10/10/06, 19:14
@ prama : nasi goreng jangkung itu yang sebelom JIS bukan.. yg katanya Nasi Goreng Cimenk ? hehe
kalo gw @ jkt - Abuba Steak @ fatmawati - Kue Cubit 1/2 Mateng + Leker @ Alpus (siang2 adanya) - Sate Sambas @ Sungai Sambas - Nasi Goreng Sirloin @ Daerah Blok M , Depan Sisha Cafe pas #832
Music / Re: Indonesian inspired EDM songs06/10/06, 06:07
Circle Children a.k.a Armand Van Helden - Indonesia (Sambal badjak & Olek Mix)
Btw, logonya "Bandung" keren niih.. #833
Music / Re: Dj luar siapa aja yg Join bareng dan ngebuat nama baru ?06/10/06, 05:59
iya bener.. cirez d itu eric prydz.. dia mungkin pake nama Cirez D kalo lg maen electro/techno
doi sampe punya 3 nama lainnya : Moo, Pryda, Sheridan yg gw baru tau lg Steve Angello = Who's Who ? terus.. Stardust (singlenya music sounds better with u) = Alan Braxe, Benjamin Diamond, T. Bangalter (daft punk member) The Drill (Matt Schwartz) = part membernya Deepest Blue #834
Disk Jockey / Re: Bitrate ?? berapa sih standart buat maen dan pake apa buat naekinnya ??06/10/06, 05:08
hmm.. bukannya 192 ke atas cukup ya ?.. gw pernah coba, hasilnya gak ada masalah koq..
Disk Jockey / Re: Gimana Cara Mulai Main di club/bar/cafe ??04/10/06, 05:12
oh ya.. gelap donk.. lampu di Dj boothnya ? wah bisa2 salah pijit tuh,. hehe..
On the Air & Media / Re: Danceteria with Synan dj broadcast, ramadhan session with agoose and wingky01/10/06, 12:50
wah siap pantengin indika nih.. s!
Disk Jockey / Re: DJs >> Ke Scene Naek apa? ada yg ngangkot Ga?01/10/06, 04:38
hahahha.. naek angkot jg gak masalah .. yg penting kan nanti pas maennya..
ya bener tuh, asal ati2 aja pas di angkotnya hehe.. #838
Disk Jockey / Re: Gimana Cara Mulai Main di club/bar/cafe ??01/10/06, 04:35
bikin demo yg oke bro.. sama koneksi kali ya.. Good Luck
Techno / Re: GREEN VELVET LA LA LAND29/09/06, 20:55
Nampol joo...
gw plg suka yang poxy music vs Kid kebobi remix.. jadi breaks giu... #840
Quote from: dj ferdy on 28/09/06, 16:19 terakhir denger2 maen di kolumbia.. dunno juga deh.. hmmmm... #841
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: Mau Jual Vinyl Toys KoRn29/09/06, 03:42
Yak yak betull.. Sikat ? hehe
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Mau Jual Vinyl Toys KoRn29/09/06, 00:30 #844
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Lagu Indo bwat di-Remix ?24/09/06, 20:37
lagunya anggun yg baru.. lupa judulnya.,,
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: THE SOUND OF JAKARTA VOL 2 NOW RELEASE AT JUNO.CO.UK available 12 Inch Vinyl !!!24/09/06, 18:56
Mantep !.. Di jakarta ada yang jual vinylnya gak bang romy ?
Design and Promotions / Re: Daft Punk action Figures24/09/06, 13:07
wew.. ada yg ngebas ginian.. kebetula gw suka ngoleksi figure
dulu pernah ditawarin nih sama temen gw.. satunya sekitar 1.4-1.5 juta.. mahal uhuhuhu btw ini jg ada vinyl figurenya Dj Danny Howells ![]() ![]() #847
Bandung / Re: ANTI CLUBBERS???help me...plz./..24/09/06, 12:42
Orang2 aneh...semoga matinya ketimpa bola disco deh..
Main Talk / Re: GuYs, kLO bLN PuAsa pAdA NgApaiN siH??...24/09/06, 12:29
Tidur abis sahur, bangun setengah jam sebelom buka hehehe,..
Disk Jockey / Re: Memperkenalkan DJ-ing pada anak, Bisakah? (Tips Bagi Yg Sudah Berkeluarga)24/09/06, 04:40
Bagus nih tipsnya..kallo perlu di sekolah ada ekskul Dj juga ya..
sayangnya gw masih lama jadi bapak hehe.. #850
Main Talk / Re: SELAMAT MENUNAIKAN IBADAH PUASA...24/09/06, 04:23
met puasa semuanya.. semoga gak bolong2 puasanya.. min amin...