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Jakarta Events / Re: 7/24 Presents: Soundfession, Saturday January 12th 200807/01/08, 19:04
Jakarta Events / Re: TRANCE4LIFE & MORNINGCALLING present: "SOUND AS ONE" friday-18jan-08 @THE BRAINS07/01/08, 18:58
wuuyyyh goookiiLLL...!!!!
fuLLy support...!!! #853
Visual Jockey / Re: :: Happy New Years 2008 ::07/01/08, 18:57
HaPpeiii nU yeEaAaaAh....!!!!
huiihiiii telaad.... #854
Jakarta Events / Re: WARM UP PARTY @ X2 & EQUINOX05/01/08, 21:23
HajaAr bLEeEh... #855
Jakarta Events / Re: WARM UP PARTY @ X2 & EQUINOX04/01/08, 16:33
waAch gokiL nEYh..
Ada gLNya gA?? Mau dOng.. HuiHihii.... #856
Jakarta Events / Re: "From Us To You" -DJ Deny b'day bash & DJ Reuben Bachelor- 21Dec'07 @ The Brains22/12/07, 17:23
wuuyydyyyyh goookil sobh acaranyaa...!!!
semalem kemang pecaaah... huahuahuaha... owiya thanqs yiah buad VJ Q-Motion & VJ Illusion yg da ngajak gue mane bareng... huiihiii... happey blezdey yiaah om deny.. hoohooohooow...!! #857
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You19/12/07, 22:10
hoohoooo DJ Devil geulies pisan euy,,,
huiihiii... Dj Devil klo lg maen visualnya apiapi aja yiaah byar panas.. hohooow... okeokeeeh suqses yiaaph DJ DEVIL...!!! fully supooooort...!!!! #858
Visual Jockey / Re: new year eve 2008 schedule....19/12/07, 22:06
huummmh klo dreamotion maen dmanaa yiaahhh...
kaga tau tuuwhhh... wuaaach okeokeeeh tuh bapa gobeer dan pama adhie atas usulnya,, huiihiii... support our local VJ's.....!!!!!!!!! #859
Visual Jockey / Re: TEMBAK GEDUNG Yuuekkk...19/12/07, 21:47
yiaaah tu semaleeem yiaah...
wuaaaaaaaaach gue telaaaaaaaaad........!!!!!!!!!! #860
Visual Jockey / Re: DIY MIDI COTROLLER FOR RESOLUME13/12/07, 20:56
eleeuheeleeeuh keren pisan euy...
sokil gooobh... hiduuuup produk dalam negriiiiiiiiiii.........!!!!!!!!!!! #861
Visual Jockey / Re: CONGRATS NEWREAL-MOTION NINJA !!13/12/07, 20:52
hoohoooow congratz yiaaph...!!!
Visual Jockey / Re: congrats DIGITAL HALUSINATION13/12/07, 20:51
hoohoooow congratz yiaaaph...!!!
congraaaatzzZzzs yiaAaaph...!!!!!
bang mocco ma bang yudhii emaang tabeh daaah.... berikutnya syapaa yiaaah... huiihiiii.... #864
Visual Jockey / Re: Congrats VJ Mocco and DJ Yudhi!22/11/07, 23:16
congraaaatzzZzzs yiaAaaph...!!!!!
bang mocco ma bang yudhii emaang tabeh daaah.... berikutnya syapaa yiaaah... huiihiiii.... #865
Visual Jockey / Re: WINDOWS VISTA22/11/07, 23:15
ciyeciyeeee hendroooo yg laptopnya baruuuw..
dya pake asus co.. canggih dah,,, harganya aja mahaalll... kenapa loe ga bli tanah trus buka kontrakan aja ndro..??? hauhauhauaaaa..... #866
HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 / Re: Complete heats schedule and line up12/11/07, 19:26
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance Genetics The soft launching of trance for life community12/11/07, 18:55
beyond dibikin pecaaah ma trance 4 life... huiihiihiiii.... #868
Jakarta Events / Re: JUICE DJ QUEST 2007!12/11/07, 18:48
eleeuh eleeeuh gokiill..
congratz yiaaaph..!!! #869
Jakarta Events / Re: "24" @K7, 17.11.07 EBDJ Last Performance08/11/07, 00:02
eleeuh elleeeeuh...
gokil pisaan euy... FULL SUPPORT..!!! #870
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance Genetics The soft launching of trance for life community08/11/07, 00:01
SUPPORT..!!! gokiiil daah... #871
Visual Jockey / Re: SAPA NIH YG LOLOS HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES???07/11/07, 23:18
huahaha tembus kebulan da ngilang dong penx kaga kliatan lg...
hoohoooow.... support our local VJ's...!!!! #872
HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 / Re: These are 35 DJ who made it the first cut!07/11/07, 23:09
ferreeeee..!!!! support selaluuuw... #873
HEINEKEN THIRST SENSES 2007 / Re: Congratulation to all 12 VJs07/11/07, 23:08
ngeriiiii.... gud luck yiaaph...!!! #874
Visual Jockey / Re: PSP UNTUK NGE VIJE??04/11/07, 21:44
hi tech banged yaaq...
kaga nyampe gue... huiihiihiiii #875
Visual Jockey / Re: KOMPETISI VJ. MENURUT LO PERLU GAK?04/11/07, 21:42
buat seruseruan ajaah... huiihiiihiiii... ama buat mempererat tali silahturami sesama VJ.. jangan jadikan ajang kompetisi untuk mencari lawan tetapi jadikanlah untuk mencari kawan... huahuahuahaa... apaan c.. |