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Messages - sin.AD

huahuahau...dekil tapi gue kan keyboardnya warna item biar ga keliatan...heehehhe...
@DJ Deny: kirim ke bapak faried aja bro...!!!
fix ya...abis TD langsung sessionan...
@Ija: siaapppp...hehehe...
mending rum ses ama gue yuk ja..hehehehe...
@ija: ada ruti buaya sob...hahahahaha....
50 invitation for RVLX member to TRIPLE DECKER VIII - PROGRESSIVE is available...

please contact PAMAN GOBER, KC, HANSOY & DWEETHA to get the invitation...

3 negeri cilandak mananya sob...??

Resto & Lounge

Jl. Wijaya I No. 55


***DiSCo DiVa***

Every Wednesday

10pm onwards

with DJ Kupang playing Disco House

Free 1st Drink for Diva

Forbidden Hours

Monday to Friday

4pm to 7pm

50% off all house pour (vodka, whisky, gin, wines)

KENAPE???GAK SUKA..??GAK TERIMA,..??hehehehe...

yab..YM / MSN elu apaan sih..??penting nih....
hahahaha...gw lagi doyan denger2in lagu macem A.M.Q.A...FANG...pokoknya punk2 jaman urdu deh,heehe..bosen lagu2 disko...
@walasok: cukup merangsang kreativitas kan..??
@wetnoose: sedooooooooottttt......
@newreal: temen lu siapa namanya sob..??
@diskomfort: situuu kaleee yg icon...????
mari ke TD VIII...!!!!
@discomfort: Prefuse 73 ecletic hip-hop keren juga tuh sop....
hidup jawiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrr......hahahahahahaha...*sniff..sniff..*
gak usah nempel jo tangannya...cukup kasih jarak 15 cm...huahauhaahuhau.....
tips untuk membuat footage handal sob....
@ni'ang & prass: daerah mana yg mau kita bomb..??gedung apa..??

meeting dulu apa sebelum bombing..??jadi ngebomnya terkonsep sob..hihihi...terserah sih, mau langsung juga hayuuuuukkkkk....
lumayan sih...aroma2 lembab bisa merangsang otak kanan gue sob...maybe u should try it too..it really works on me...!!!huahauhaauhau....

trust me, ur gonna love the smell....it smells like u had a tons of ORGASM....hauhauhauhauhauahua.....selamat mencoba...!!!
huahuahuahau....asliii ga penting sob...tapi ga papa deh daripada sepi gini...lama2 diapus section visual jockey sm moderatornya hehehehhe....

kalo gue:
- smbil browsing2 ga jelas bolak-balik antara rvlx - multiply - google - kaskus - cek imel
- nyemil2, minum koka kola / lemon tea / kopi tubruk yg kentel
- hoops..
- pegang2 titit terus dicium tangannya....hahahahaha...
- ngupil terus SMSan

ps: gue rasa mutter&diskomfort juga begitu deh dalam membuat footage.....hehehehhee...
ni'ang emang juara deh....ni'ang bosssss...!!!!!!NI'ANG THA' MASTERRRRRRRR.....
oos masuk M1/43 sekarang..??
