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Messages - AdaGio

dananya berapa sob?

gw ada edirol pcr m-1 / mobile nih.. fullset mulus abis..
ada oom!!!

LINKSYS masih baru nih.. gw beli setaon yang lalu tapi ga gw pake ato buka sama sekali.
secara a week after that gw daftar mynet n diwajibin pake modem jelek mereka..
MAC id nya aja blon ke register di isp manapun..

PM ato direct ke 0856-9176-8846 ya..

yang pasti.... menyedihkan.... padahal sound system masih bagus en ni tempat masih punya potensi tinggi.... ditambah sekarang suka pada ribet sama wajib valetnya... gw tiap kali mesti jalan kaki nyebrang hotel... buset deh...
5 juta mau bos?
gpp kog...

musicianfriend sama shipping kesini jadi berapa duit?

melodia dapetnya berapa? 2.3 ato 2.4 kan? ato at least 2.2 deh sekalian..

kan gw lepas 2 juta BARU..
dicek aja semua masih segel kog.

mang mau minta berapa sih?
jual soundcard firewire BARU ga jadi pake. all lengkap en MASIH SEGEL include cd instalasi, dvd 2gb file sample dan cd Cubase LE ori.

Ins and Outs
The front panel of the INSPIRE 1394 features two custom-designed PreSonus microphone preamplifiers with +48V phantom power and two instrument Hi-Z inputs. The back of the INSPIRE features selectable line or phono (with RIAA filter) inputs great for all types of keyboards, samplers, drum machines and turntables. Outputs on the INSPIRE 1394 include RCA unbalanced and mini TRS jacks as well as headphone output.

- 24-bit/96k A/D/A sample rate
- Four simultaneous input channels
- Two microphone/instrument preamplifiers
- Switchable line input or phono input(with RIAA filter)
- Software Control Panel and zero latency mixer
- Window XP and Macintosh OSX compatible
- FireWire bus-powered or powered externally
- ProPak Software Suite

ProPak Software Suite
The INSPIRE 1394 comes complete with the ProPak software suite including Cubase LE recording and production software, Sony's ACID XMC, Discwelder Bronze, Discrete Drums, 25 real-time effects plug-ins and over 3 GB of drum loops and samples giving you a complete and professional music production environment.

kan klo firewire bisa dibawa kemana mana baik buat produce n recording dirumah maupun liveshow diluar.
harga baru 2.7juta, kalo pinter nawar ato LENJE ;D bisa dapet sekitar 2.3juta.

0856 - 9176 - 8846 ( marcell )

jual soundcard firewire BARU ga jadi pake. all lengkap en MASIH SEGEL include cd instalasi, dvd 2gb file sample dan cd Cubase LE ori.

Ins and Outs
The front panel of the INSPIRE 1394 features two custom-designed PreSonus microphone preamplifiers with +48V phantom power and two instrument Hi-Z inputs. The back of the INSPIRE features selectable line or phono (with RIAA filter) inputs great for all types of keyboards, samplers, drum machines and turntables. Outputs on the INSPIRE 1394 include RCA unbalanced and mini TRS jacks as well as headphone output.

- 24-bit/96k A/D/A sample rate
- Four simultaneous input channels
- Two microphone/instrument preamplifiers
- Switchable line input or phono input(with RIAA filter)
- Software Control Panel and zero latency mixer
- Window XP and Macintosh OSX compatible
- FireWire bus-powered or powered externally
- ProPak Software Suite

ProPak Software Suite
The INSPIRE 1394 comes complete with the ProPak software suite including Cubase LE recording and production software, Sony's ACID XMC, Discwelder Bronze, Discrete Drums, 25 real-time effects plug-ins and over 3 GB of drum loops and samples giving you a complete and professional music production environment.

kan klo firewire bisa dibawa kemana mana baik buat produce n recording dirumah maupun liveshow diluar.
harga baru 2.7juta, kalo pinter nawar ato LENJE ;D bisa dapet sekitar 2.3juta.

0856 - 9176 - 8846 ( marcell )

mau lagi? writer dah bner kog nih...
bukan serato bukan FS..
new timecoded system product from france..
calon lawan tangguh serato d...

yang mau demo ato info produk ketempat gw aja, lagian nanti pameran komputer maret sama next japex2007 gw bakal demo in nih produk kog..
or maybe gw udah trial di beberapa gigs februari nanti..
tunggu aja....
vaio? kog notebook?

bukannya yang lagunya is it love, kiss you ma rapture itu yah??? oh ya itu  iio....

hihihi..... secara kalo ga denger indika gw ga bakal tau tuh ngejanya begitu...
katakan dia beli resmi emang bole dijual lagi?

beh.. ni lagu juga jadi anthem gara2 dijadiin official theme song beatport.com buat global comercial mereka.
yang pasti lagu2nya dia  yang jadi anthem disana, itu semua yang diremake orang lain semua... yang ori ga pernah chart setau gue..

just trippin remix by danny freakazoid is my favourite..

Gears and Technology / Re: Dj.Gear
22/01/07, 01:25
pacific audio di harco glodok tu termurah di jakarta... percaya d......
waa.... heppi birthday...
wadaw!!!!! no offence sob.... lu bukannya pedagang? kog nyewa??

hmmm..... sebulan bisa aja si.. PM gw aja buat nego harganya. ato mau private sekalian? hihihi....
congrat RIRI!!!!!!! rapi amat mas... abis itu mau kondangan kemana?? hihi..
tuh khan...... bner.....

semua orang bisa mixing... tapi "TASTE" loe itu lah yang akan orang nilai dan ingat....

up.... up.... up..... taon baru belon keluar nih.... oi oi...... ga mau pada HomSes ato bikin private yee?? secara yang bikin event publik pada parno.
sayang gw ga punya konverter kalo engga gw dah bawa aki trus ngamen di pinggir jalan deh... hihi....
Quote from: deejay on 29/11/06, 02:36
......gw minat sm djm 800, nice stuff.....
btw pas nya brp bro?
kl bm harga di bawah garansi donk bro.....
garansi nya aja bisa di bawah 13 juta di melda.....hehehe....

muahahahahaaa....... ternyata ci melda emang kerjaannya ditelponin dj dj sejakarta yang ngemis diskon tiap hari... pantes ganjen... wahahaha...... PT Adab Alam tercinta......
demi selembar plat!!!!?heheheh.......??hayyah..... dah murah gila geto mase ditawar...ga malu mbo ma macbook loe...??? muahahahahhaa!!!!!!!??peace...
guys.. ikutan nyewain alat yah.. investment baru.. hihihi....
2x cdj 100s
1 djm 300
200rb aja per hari, klo paket bisa nego lagi lah.. buat small private party, birthday, home session ato yang mau lembur latian beatmatch seharian dirumah.. hihihi....

tambahan... gw sekarang juga nyewain cdj1000MK2 n DJM600 for 600rb/ hari. moga moga ga kemahalan..

0856-9176-8846 : Marcell
AH!!! SHIT!!!! SHIT!!!! SHIT!!! SHITTTT!!!!!!!!

pasrah dah gue...... oh..... beatport...........

ga bisa ngomong banyak lagi dah gue..... paling engga starting from now on, minimal dari komunitas kita udah SAY NO TO PIRACY terlebih dahulu.. blok dah tu segala tukang jualan lagu en tukan jualan / bobol password di website ini.... propaganda in ke komunitas laen... en hope 4 the best we would get their trust back someday.....