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Messages - Chris.M

Guys, mau preview pre-release track baru, release 27 januari 09 di Bonzai Music..

Chris.M - Oblivia (Vocal Mix)
Chris.M - The Morning Sun (Trance Mix)

Next project :
Chris.M - High Cost For Your Smile - Inner & Outer E.P.


si dikaa hilang kemana si?? udah engga di 7/24 lgi yah?
oos gila... hahaha....

jadi yee os acara kita ama udin
nice event!
Happy birthday ben! wish u all the best
I love it din... sama kayak i love miyabi :P
Quote from: spinach records on 26/09/08, 00:48
selamat atas penerimaan dj baru angkatan 2008-2009 hehehe.selamat juga dr pak eka tuh inget kampus katanya hahahah

hahaha.. skripsi mandek nih!!!
Udin gokillllll.....!!!!!!!

Thanx banget yah din udah masukin sadness buat opening setsnya

btw, sukses di beijing yaa!! jgn lupa titipan panda di bawa
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 26/09/08, 06:56
jam 11 malem jakarta berarti jam 5 sore di sini..wah chris maaf pass nih gw, di rekam aja deh !!!

iya doo, nanti rekaman di upload  di sini yup ;)

Quote from: bgajulan on 26/09/08, 14:06
wuhuuu..kris em cenggi nih! sukses yaa!

thanx banget yaaah ;)
@Oos & Udin

Iya broo,, hasil begadang sampai pagi ga ada habisnya, wahahahahahaha ;D

@Om Deny

Thanx banget yaah oom, :)
Quote from: vinodii on 26/09/08, 04:21
tar rekaman nya di upload trus di post yak sobh.. ;)

siaap broo ;)

Quote from: adiet_betha on 26/09/08, 04:30

keren bgd thu oM,,,,

sukses deh ...!!! *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

thanx yaah :)

Udah lama siih mau di confirmnya unt radio show disana, but i like to inform the news as a surprise ;)

infonya ada di link myspace vonyc, langsung klik aj dims

Udah dims, tepatnya tadi malem jam 11 (jakarta time)
nanti rekaman gw upload yaa

iya broooo, ini surprisenya yg gw mau announce ke elo
Thanx GOD... It happened for sure!!!

Airwave & Chris.M (REWORKS / SYNAN)

Broadcasting live from VONYC RADIO SESSION at Thursday 25.09.2008



sukase y broo, maaf nih ga bisa mampir kesana besok
@Om Deny
Makasih buat supportnya yaa om :)

Mmakaciiiih kes,, mie kondang kali ah!! hihihihi,,
akhirnya keluar juga os!!

congrats yaa
tutup unt renovasi mungkin ??
Quote from: Rangga_ocean on 23/09/08, 00:37
congratz ya buat chris.m and synan..
sukses terus buat semuanya ..

thanx banget yah brooo ;) kapan nih kita spinning barengan lgi??
kumpul2 lgi doong sebelum lebaran nii

udah ada yg pakai ini belum?? mau tanya2 dulu niih sebelum beli

share yah guys ;)
Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 21/09/08, 17:25
Congrat yaa'bro!
*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan*
hope da best in da next future 4u n all Synan family ;)

thanx bgt broo,, bantu2 supportnya yaah ;)
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 21/09/08, 16:52
congrats yah..chris...you deserved it mate..dari pada masuk??????? hiakakaka

thanx brooo!! bantu2 support dri jauh yaah :)
oh gw tau tu maksud loo, wahahahaha,, ogah ah!!! nanti panuan gwe disana :P ;D