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Messages - nickvan

MELODIC ABISSSS.... produce ny cadas2 semua ..UK style  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

sikatttt  bung rome heheh  ;)
GUD LUCK TRUS BUAT LA MUSICA ...studiony sadis bgt,alat ny awesome...aplg monitor ny  ;D ;D  :-\

thx ya sob kmren udah sedia in studio ny buat take vocal  :D
Disk Jockey / Re: About Altuna?
03/08/08, 23:37
awesome producer n dj
have a very rich taste in dance music
very2 down to earth person
and very2 great friends  :D

nb (peringatan pemerintah : jgn kebykan din)  ;D ;D ;D

MAJU TRUS ALTUNA  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@pikibun hehehe many2 thx mate  :D

my short set @trancemotion:

-ALL THE WAY (ronski speed feat aruna original mix)

enjoy ...  *piss*
Tariiikkk sob...one of my fav producer

sounds ny future abisss  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
ini dia niy yg daku tunggu2...Dj.Sendok goes to kemang eh slh selatan  ;D ;D ;D

donlot dulu ya sen'  *piss*

(sembah sujud)
@respati thx ya sob udah hadir...ga bakal sukses klo tanpa kehadiran n support dr temen2 semua   ;) :-*
Quote from: Adrianbeats on 01/08/08, 07:50
Thanks bro.., iya niy jadi inget di room artist.., takut dengerin musik..hahahahahaha.....;D

ehehehehe...ada video ato foto ny ga ya???  ;D ;D ;D
sedang dlm proses penyedotannnn... could be a nice one

@acid 029 tracklist ny dung pak. . .kok "semoga sukses" ??? hehehe  ;D ;D ;D
asiiikkkk fresh talent semua niy. . . *bgs* *bgs*

  *tepuktangan* berangkutttzzz *tepuktangan*
@ronald upload dung bung ronald,,
@natasya many2 thx ya cha buat support pas hari h ny,,
@dq,fyll,Robbiet4l siappp sob...thx ya sob udah hadir
@mario78 hehehehe berantakan niy  :-\ :-\ ...kok cpt sob balik ny?balik ke rmh khan tapi..? hehehe *piss*
@synan rec "ambyarrrr"  ;D ;D ;D
@chiefy 4 thumbs up buat vj gaban ...visual journey ny keren abis  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
@rustyman&adit ,kepyar kepyur dah hehe...slm ya buat pasukan kapsul ny  :P

@all thx buat semua temen2 yg udah hadir... see you in next TRANCEMOTION   ;)

just wait for the next journey . . .
weeew cadas...one of my fav producer  *bgs* *bgs*
hadirrr pasti ny

@synan boros niy dit  :P ;D
mantafff niy...very big support guys...maju trus Deefo n Nickboy  :D
Quote from: deefoundation on 25/07/08, 00:42
wuiiidiihhh...seru nih yak...!!!  *piss*
bang christo n nickz makin ciiamiik aja nih huehehe  ;D ;D ;D

wuakakkakak many2 thx deefo n rumus buat support ny...ditunggu ya di manhattan..  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
jgn pas "ronde ke dua" ny aja lo hadir hehhehe  ;D ;D ;D ;D
@bulebali ikuttt dung sob...kaya ny bulan puasa niy daku mudik  *piss*
very heppy birthdays ya rome all the best for you...  :D
25 di usahakan hadir
makin cangcing niy ada hendro n frens   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@fyll wkwkwkwk siapppp mas fyll midway ... ;D ;D ;D gantian ya nanti bro ...
anyway many thx bro buat support ny  :D
Quote from: ginalfyl on 18/07/08, 13:44
huhuhu besok niyyyyy juragan!!!!!

ckckck bandel bgt siy lo fyll ..berantakan niy  ;D ;D ;D ;D

set ny tydi keren,,asik bgt  *bgs* *bgs*

set warm up ny ready jg gokilz,,prog ny keren  :D

lom sempet dgr set ny echa,,udah balik duluan  :( ,,catch you next gigs ya bro  :D
Quote from: SynanRecordings on 21/07/08, 00:37
asliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kmrn ini kita checksound n gw amaze bgt sama laser yg ada dimanhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!aseliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pecah gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......the best in indonesia, bener2 dapet bgt nih buat event ini, lasernya bisa bikin ngayalllllllllll cing!!!!

ehehhehe siap2 "berantakan" niy dit  8) 8)... so ditunggu tracklist ny ya sob,,bakal lbh berantakan lg klo di match am lagu2 ny  ;D ;D

thx ya cha..itu kerja an ny riekon aka prima cruz tuw hehe  ;)
support dr jauh buat mas joevan...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
schedule bulan july ny padat merayap niy mas joe hehehe  :D
@ready hehehehe hajarrr bro  8) 8)

@rome dtg ya sob...  :D
@walasok hehehe asikkk berangkutttt,ogah mule sob  8) ;D ;D

@embassy many thx ya bos buat support ny  :D

@sakuragi hehehe so c you there  ;)

@joey30 seppp,,ur welcome  :D

@insider ayoo sob brgkt,,qta seru2an brg disana ntar hehehe  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@tj pastiny siappp 86 pak komandan ... :D

@bulebali,dmi rer,narzistia ehehehe 2 hari 2 mlm...daku tunggu dijkt yaw  ;)
Quote from: Mr Din on 16/07/08, 00:25
HapPpy Bday SPACE LOUNGE!!!!

Sikat terus PPF the gang... Make Lampung as a destination for clubbers! ;)

\m/ ROCK \m/

jgn2 space lounge ini ya din yg kata lo kmren club ny ngtrance bgt? ...wah sadiss2...  *bgs* *bgs*

anyway heppy anniversary ya space lounge..keep on moving lampung dance scene guys 
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*