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Messages - nickvan

finally...i can share a deck with the one who influence me to be a dj
...the prince of progressive trance JOEVAN BLADE...

huge respect mas   ;)
 if u a trance lovers.. u should come 

yuppp..buat all trance lovers ditunggu kehadiran ny ya  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* ...ke jkt ny brg mas kimi rei aja hehe  :P

Quote from: walasok on 14/07/08, 15:54
teko ra yo.. ::) *piss*

teko noh dab...tak tunggu lho hehehe   8) :D

@blackdaman,dmi rer,narzistia ayooo sob pd  dtg dung...nanti tak siapin special guestlist buat tmn2 yg dr jogja  :D

@joey30 siappp sob,,rencana ny emang nanti bkl ada record live ny kok bro,,nanti tak kirim dvd ny klo da jd  ;)

Quote from: Kimi Rei on 14/07/08, 23:07
thanks a lot guys, skln introduce nick van & cristo next our trance hero

hehehe mas joevan bs aj niy  :P,,tgl 26 bsk hero dr jogja ny khan mas joe ama edi,,qta2 ms hrs byk bljr am hero2 ny  :D ...thx bgt buat support ny  *piss*
@oos hehehe thx bro oos..klo blk ke indo kbrin qta2 ya os  :D

-ADRIAN  [opening set]
-ALTUNA [closing set]

*tepuktangan* 8) 8) 8) 8) *tepuktangan*
@paket begadang yoi sob...new  atmosphere of trance,,be there yaw   ;)

@blink 123456 siapppp komandan,,perintah dilaksanakan  8) 8)

@tj sama2 om,,qta yg hrs ny say thx bgt udah dijamu abis2an di sana hehehe  ;D ;D

@bulebali siapppp sob...thx berat buat support ny,,dtg lah sob,bareng mas kimi rei aja hehehe  :P,nanti pasti tak jemput kok dab   :D

@lee007 and anggabc hehehe sama bro

@sendyoke ahahaahaha...klo itu siy buat lg KOBAM sen  ;D ;D ;D
ONLY TRANCE...yg bisa menemani di kala hati lo sedang sedih ato senang  ;)
Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 10/07/08, 01:36
cengli ni kayaknye, dateng ah mo liat trancer2 forum : P

salute for ib/maxnrg, btw *bgs*

thx sob...dtg yaw  :D

@ginafyl c you there fyll...pasukan T4L ditunggu lho  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

@bebe wajib hadirrr dung bu,,abis tu maybe the journey will be continue  :P :P

@yhogiez thx bro...hadir yach  ;)

@colis siappp sob bs di atur...dtg lbh awal aj sob jam 8 ampe 10 free entry kok  :D

@mc Miabi ditunggu pasukan ny ya im  :D

bener bener journey panjanggggg abisss  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: ¯­°·º· Dj R'AngeL ·º·°¯ on 09/07/08, 10:51


mendingan yg ini...sejukkk ngliat ny hehehe piss ah  *piss*
Quote from: Mario 78 on 08/07/08, 11:48
wew...ini toh yg lu bilang nick......ok..ok..diusahakan.....

yup...yo iki mas hehehe,,ditunggu kehadiran ny ya bro,qta berkepyar kepyur bareng lg  ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: sendyoke on 08/07/08, 19:47
Ck ck ck.....

Line up DJnya .... terutama Kak Udin yg aku masih pd mu ;D


sendy oke terbang dong dr australia hehehe  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: lee007 on 05/07/08, 15:43
Mr Din Minuman yang ijo2 mantap ga semalem?

hehehe pantesan si udin jd gelisah ;D ;D ;D

@all c you there...it will be a long long nite  8) 8)   
sukses ya bro buat acara ny  :D

@ferre n robbie design flyer ny makin ciamiiik aja niy  *bgs* *bgs*
Quote from: MC bAiM on 02/07/08, 21:05

@INSOMNIA BEAT , Cristo, nickvan

Dedicated to jakarta trance people...ditunggu bgt ya jo'

siapppp bro...pasukan bodrex pasti merapat ke centro kok hehehe  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@baim n bebe very heppy birthdays to both of you,,wish u all the best mate  :D

hmm lumayan sering kok bro klo di daerah..anyway daerah ny dimana ya?  ::)
sedapppp ini diA yg ditunggu2 setelah sekian lama...
*tepuktangan*MAJU TRUS RAVE JOGJA *tepuktangan*

hmmm anyway kok tema ny hopeless sob?...jgn2 journey ny ke arah patah hati niy? :P

cover album ny keren bgt,cocok ama tema ny,,itu cewe apa cowo siy sob?  ;D  *piss*
weeewwww pack abis sob..set pemanasan ny ready jg bahaya,bener2 mengguncang dance floor 8) ;D hehehe..waiting the another journeys pal'   *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

success trus ya buat tmn2 synan rec  :D

aseeekkk ada dj.chokdee (MV) di vertigo...hajarrrr bro  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
abis event jgn nyasar ke "naga" ya dee  ;D ;D
@robbie jobbie ahahaha ga repot kok sob santai aja  :D...kebetulan lg bawa aj,,apa siy yg ngga buat robjob   ;D ;D *piss*

@colis ahahaha beneran tu ampe lepas setir???wah mau dung diajarin free style  ;D ;D ;D
very glad u like it
many2 thx ya bro for the review  ;)

:-* :-*
@scut hehehe yup,the next tune off the week maybe  :D

@osvaldo thx bung oos..set ny bung oos smlm di sense fm jg cadass niy  *tepuktangan*..
blurrrr mode ON  ;D ;D
4 thumbs up buat set ny bung oos  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

melintirrr mode ON  8) ;D ;D ;D
ini niy yg di tunggu2  :D
prepare to dance in trance  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
@mario ahahaha finally the legacy di mainin jg  ;D ;D