Quote from: daZed on 07/02/08, 16:46
@ninja : lo mah wajib maen bay! gimane nyamuk2 dbd nya udah lo bales blm?
@im innu : ada! murah senyum!
langsung dateng ajah or gmn ni?
im innu from dreamhouse...
ama si chiefy aja kali ye...
Show postsThis section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. Show posts MenuMessages - im_innu #976
Visual Jockey / Re: NEXT KEROYOKAN...09/02/08, 01:13Quote from: daZed on 07/02/08, 16:46 langsung dateng ajah or gmn ni? heheheh im innu from dreamhouse... ama si chiefy aja kali ye... hheheheee #977
Clubs / Venues / Re: Apa yang bikin DJ deg2 an kalo lg maen??09/02/08, 01:01
baghhhoouuusss... ada variasi... selain dancer ternyata kecoa pun pingin ttp eksis... support sob... #978
Disk Jockey / Re: Tips buat dapet Label...09/02/08, 00:57Quote from: vinodii on 08/02/08, 14:52maksudnya dipacarin???? hehehehehehe #979
Clubs / Venues / Re: About BLISS and LOFT25....09/02/08, 00:54Quote from: vinodii on 08/02/08, 14:50baru nyobain ke club kali... jadi ga tau mesti ngapain... hehehehehehe #980
Clubs / Venues / Re: About BLISS and LOFT25....09/02/08, 00:53Quote from: DJ Ndira on 08/02/08, 08:07Quote from: im_innu on 07/02/08, 15:49 kalo kuntilanak gw paku aja kepalanya... heheheheee.... #981
Label / Event Organizing / Re: Do You Know "DISCO GUNNER"..???07/02/08, 16:00
sukses ya...
salam buat indah... #982
Web Links / Re: Butuh Jawaban Segera? Klik Disini!!!!07/02/08, 15:56
percaya ga percaya...
gw udah nyba n berhasil... tp blm terlalu TOTAL jawwaban yang gw pengennin.. #983
Clubs / Venues / Re: About BLISS and LOFT25....07/02/08, 15:49
^ ^ ^ ga sabar gw nonton kisah misteri... "SETAN DUGEM" damn... heheheheee #984
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You07/02/08, 15:46
dateng aaahhhh.... #986
Disk Jockey / Re: Chris.M feat Uyab - Reworks Live set... Comments dong07/02/08, 15:37
sukses terus mas chris...
Clubs / Venues / Re: Apa yang bikin DJ deg2 an kalo lg maen??04/02/08, 14:40Quote from: vindra discover on 03/02/08, 15:48 ini nih yang bikin salting hhahahahahahaaaaa #988
Clubs / Venues / Re: About BLISS and LOFT25....04/02/08, 14:35Quote from: DJ Ndira on 29/01/08, 00:15beneran nih... apa becanda?... hehehehee... oiya parah juga ni club kalo ga ada ijinnya... #989
Jakarta Events / Re: PARADISE "Rave Party" @ P.Untung Jawa, Kep.Seribu Saturday 2 Feb 200804/02/08, 14:32
bagus dong kalo diundur,...
duitnya udah ada lagi hehehehee... soalnya gw mo totalitas dalam berkarya di playground... heheheheheee #990
Visual Jockey / Re: NEXT KEROYOKAN...04/02/08, 14:25
ikut ah...
kalo di perkenanken./.. hehehehheee #991
Clubs / Venues / Re: kalo main kekemang. paling enak hangout kemana ya??04/02/08, 14:23
oishisha dah buat bcanda2...seru tuh...
trus ma venue kalo lagi galau...mojok deket pool mbil mabok seru gila... hehehee #992
Clubs / Venues / Re: berapa X paling banyak lo dateng ke club dalam semalem???04/02/08, 14:20
keseringan gw kalo tour begitu sambil skip sih...
hehehehehe jadi ga inget... tau2 udah hari senen ajah... hehehehehee #993
swuiit swuuiiiuuww...
sukses ya..... #994
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Our tracks has been released.. Finally..01/02/08, 06:34
sukses terus ya mas bos...
Jakarta Events / Re: SHUT UP!31/01/08, 01:48
gantinya nomat seru nih...
hehehehe... dateng ah... #997
Jakarta Events / Re: STADIUM JAKARTA PRESENT: LOVE BOAT, Wendnesday, February.13rd.2008// stadium 4th31/01/08, 01:39
dj meme... kiblat gw kalo main soulfull.. heheheheheh maaantaf... saya hadir dan sober... hehehe #998
Disk Jockey / Re: Mohon Dukungannya guys.....New DreamHouse Female DJ,Coming soon 2 Clubs Near You31/01/08, 01:38
rikaaahhh... rika sapa si nih? rikanya roma irama ya...??? hehehehehehee piiiisssss...... #999
Jakarta Events / Re: BASSRUSH "SOUND OF EAST COAST"31/01/08, 01:30
saya usahaken hadir... sukses buat bassrush.. #1000
Visual Jockey / Re: SYUTING YUUKKK SYUTIINNGG....29/01/08, 21:30
wew....si pandu autis...
hahqahahahaaa |