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Messages - 1945MF

Boleh bgt...
@Heru Iqbal.. Ur mixes oke.. Cuma coba deh liat frequencynya ada yg tabrakan gak? have u set those EQ in proper parameter? masterbus nya over gak? Cheers..
Quote from: im_innu on 23/09/07, 20:03
when i see the sun at jimbaran......om romy...baghhhooouuussss...
ngefans gila gw ma ni lagu lo om...

He he he.. sampe Subhanaallah ... Aminnnnn ...Glad u like it dude..
Siaaap! pastinya.. maju truzzz...Insya Allah..
Ini PJ (1945MF) joo..
Good talented producer kok..
Breaks / Re: FAVE BREAKZ DJ???
23/09/07, 04:53
Breaks??? Ya Iman (1945MF) & Darma (Echosystem)lahhhh.. secara udah dari thn kapan maenin breaks di local scene..
Sounds elu harus compite sm producer2 luar gitu...
1.Send me the final mix in 2 type of bounce@ Raw without any limiter at masterbuss (No mastering)
                                                                Full blast with limiter etc at masterbuss (mastering your own)

2.Final mix send by Mp3@320kbps

3.Sound have to reach international standart sounds.

4.Send me your bio / discography / photo

5.Feel free to remixes my track , all the file i give its only for your tools. and like i write in front page i dont give u the bassline coz u have to create your own.

6.send the Mp3 final mix to romy_hrs@yahoo.co.uk

7.If your remixes win this contest u have to send me again in Aiff or Wav @24bit/48khz in CD or DVD to 1945MF Jln Cilandak III no 23 jkt 12430 JakSel or u can give to Rico Sepet or Firman

Good Luck,

Have ever heard this live p.a ?? E-45 .. he he..
All royalty is go to 1945MF UK Accounts (Adrian Champions) he is my finance manager at London..
Then will distributed the funds to my account later on..

Just remind you.. its very hard to be release at major world wide dance music distributions.. so royalty is not major issue.

Well just keep focus on your sounds & qualitty (its the hard part's for the job)

Good luck,

Quote from: lymbers on 20/09/07, 00:08
Quote from: didi 1945mf on 18/09/07, 05:09
Quote from: Chris.M on 18/09/07, 03:54
hayoo hayoo,, bikin yang bagus yaah guys

Lu ikutan  Chris??

Gw juga aaah seru nih kaya nya,.. hihuiiihihihiihuihuihuiiiihihuiiiiy

Eh Chris Lu tanya sama nyokap lu deh nih Si Imor bisa kaya gini gak siiih??

NIh gambar nya nih..

waaaaahhh gawat om didi ikutan yah pupus deh :( ... tapi gpp lah gw akan berusaha :D ... at least i try  ;) hehe... oh iya, itu dapet gambar2 legend edm dari mana tuh?? keren  *tepuktangan* ...

Quote from: 1945MF on 19/09/07, 14:30
I heard your remixes already,
Remixes at least 6 mnt long (proper sounds , DJ's standart arrangement , intro & outro)
Mas Heru elu buat cuma 3 mnt .. how can DJ spin your track ? please re-arrange the remixes..


DJ's Standard Arrangement ok gw pake pola club mix per 16 bar di kasih tau chris... gokil remix gw sampe 08:45 ;D trus intro&outro 32 bar cukup kan ?? kalo buat sound yah lumayan lah ga parah2 amat... sory nih om yah banyak nanya2 gw masih anak bawang sih hehehe... ikut kontes sekalian belajar colongan ;D ... ngomong2 yg menang hadiahnya apa aja nih om??

Hadiahnya gue release kan..
baca dong di front pagenya..
Quote from: lazydog | rico on 20/09/07, 00:14
om imor.. gw dah purchase original version LAVAYETTE di beatport.. tp durasinya kok cuman 4:31 mnt ya om.. mang sgitu?

Wah itu 7 mnt kok.. downloadnya putus kali elu..
Quote from: Heru Iqbal on 18/09/07, 23:44
Okey Rekan-Rekan.. Khususnya dari komunitas kaum Producer bukan Disc Jockey..
Ini ada sedikit contoh hasil remixan saya yang mungkin bisa jadi semangat buat yang lainnya..
Walaupun ini masih belum final, tapi silahkan download dan dengarkan hasilnya di --> http://www.sendspace.com/file/yvy7bk

Sekedar catatan saja..
Track DJ Romy ini memang agak sedikit tidak biasa, karena antara nada BASSnya dengan nada-nada dalam SYNTHnya beda chord.. Tapi disitulah letak tantangannya dalam kita berkarya.

Ayo Lain, jangan lupa juga untuk Votingnya, soalnya waktunya udah mau habis nihh..!!

I heard your remixes already,
Remixes at least 6 mnt long (proper sounds , DJ's standart arrangement , intro & outro)
Mas Heru elu buat cuma 3 mnt .. how can DJ spin your track ? please re-arrange the remixes..

Quote from: jazzymike on 16/09/07, 19:08
rank is overrated IMHO....maksud gw PVD ok.. banget! tapi rank djmag itu overrated kok mnurut gw... contohnya si DJ Dan yang katanya finest house dj di US,pas main kesini ngaco gitu setnya... jadi rank di djmag itu nga selalu 'bener' kok...
well,its ok and bagus banget kalo ada promotor yang bisa bawa PVD atau siapapun yg nantinya akan jadi #1 kesini, gw pun sangat berharap PVD atau siapapun yg nantinya akan jadi #1 bisa dateng kesini someday tapi kalaupun PVD atau si rank 1 itu nga kesini, we still have bigger and better scene from day to another with or without those #1 came here.... justru gw bilang skrg waktunya kita support our locals goes global.... karena scene kita udah gede dan capability dari dj2 lokal kita yang nga kalah ama dj2 luar... baik dr mixing skill or produce... tapi teteplah dj2 luar yang peringkatnya lumayan tinggi kudu diusahain dateng kesini juga,selain supaya mereka tau scene kita juga buat educated the crowd here...

just my 2 cents... maap kalo ada salah2 kata ;)

Wise enough mr Jazzy Mike..
Geillaaaa... itu legends semua tuh.. herbie hancock .. giorgio moroder.. pada pake arp 2600 sama fairchild cmi kyk nik rhodes ...