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Messages - titosimon

maree maree..

RAMON (Reborn/Sby)
JOEY (Reborn/Sby)

Visual by Public Space
MC Andre (Tribefunkt)

Thursday, November 15 2007

Maree Maree.. :)
huahaha.. ono sing nesu cd casenya ilang.. :P
duh.. MAXIM yak.. ckckck... :P
huaa.. maap bos.. :)
malem itu gak bisa ke mana2.. huhu..
mudah2an kamis ini gak ada halangan.. :)

canggih euy.. hehe.. sorry banget gak bisa stay lama2.. :(
@bulbul : host ya mesti hadir rek.. :P
yukk mareee....
sip.. sorenya invasi jogja di rotten apple.. malemnya di redboxx :P
Hugo's.. tanggal menyusul yak.. :)
surabaya ajah kok.. :)
HEAT #3 (Bali, 1 Dec 2007)
Eric NRG - Resty - Wen'D

C U At Bali guys...  *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

congrats for concrete sounds & elektra666

btw Armin will play a long set in club.. penting.. :P
weh.. keren keren :)
Surabaya / Re: meet you there!!
07/11/07, 11:43
manteb.. kita berpesta para dab dab sekalian.. :)
ayo semangatt *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
gokil... :)

congrats for concrete sounds & elektra666 :)
@superbakrie : hush hush.. awas.. mengko lek ono fotone beredar bingung... hihihi
jadi saiki wis duwe pacar maneh.... huahahahahaha...
terakhir liat pas summer lalu di 66.. baru maen jam 6 pagi.. gokil :P