kemaren2 ini gue baru liat di majalahdan koran2 90 percent music industri di dunia done via internet sampe mastering lagu dan tanda tangan kontrak.... ini mungkin ngga ya di indonesia ? menurut elo semua gimana?
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Gears and Technology / Online manager and PR ing26/04/06, 19:26
kemaren2 ini gue baru liat di majalahdan koran2 90 percent music industri di dunia done via internet sampe mastering lagu dan tanda tangan kontrak.... ini mungkin ngga ya di indonesia ? menurut elo semua gimana?
![]() ![]() #2
Iam sorry guys it is : thanks for checkin ... let me knoe with youyr feed back... thanks guys #3
Label / Event Organizing / Re: ELEKTRA666 Website25/04/06, 14:32Quote from: rxodx on 08/04/06, 17:33 udah liat keren2... foto2nya sama video di upload ya... heheh kita pingin liat dj2 ganteng itu semua....hihi #4
Gears and Technology / Re: NYARI SOUNDCARD 2nd25/04/06, 14:29Quote from: hogi on 19/02/06, 18:48 masih nyari soundcardnya ? btw gue baru aja post single baru as an DEESSER di cek2 ,download, feedback ya... this is solo project heheh thanks gi ade #5
Gears and Technology / One of the Best mixer board25/04/06, 14:26
just recently use the the VTC tl audio mixer di lagu2 gue asli keren abis..... check it out di fat bash up house #6
Gears and Technology / Re: but DJ" yg suka bikin music, biasanya pake SOFTWARE apa? kasih tau dunkz25/04/06, 14:18
Banyak banget sebetulnya sih tergantung elo mau sejauh mana? dario mulai yang paliong simple kayak reason sampe ke logig atau pro tools semua tergantung elo, tapi kalau elo emangmau bikin untuk iseng2 mungkin bikin loop for your extended dj set atau making exf loop for your dj set , mungkin reason itu yang paling simple dan mudah, atau mungkin elo bisa coba ableton 5 yang baru juga ok banget.. hope thathelps
deseese #7
Producing Music - General Talk / DE-ESSER promo singleis out FOR FREE DOWNLOAD25/04/06, 06:28
This will be our new single out for free download promo. The combination of bash up house and minimal electro, we are ready to give another taste of different underground house... check it out from will post you with new stuff later kep checkin ..... happy housin #8
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Electronic Groove new LP "Rock,Paper,Scissor" coming out soon at stores near you25/04/06, 06:22Quote from: titosimon on 19/01/06, 13:26Adee sudah pindah ke amsterdam... #9
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: Innerlight signed for "MONSTER TUNES"25/04/06, 06:20Quote from: Debon on 16/11/05, 10:06to be honest masih banyak yang lebih keren sih .... hmmm gimana sama Rock n roll mafia.... mereka lebih goookil meneurut gue ...bener2 underground dan creative!!! peace #10
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: ableton live ??25/04/06, 06:18Quote from: prama on 06/12/05, 19:43innerlight tidah menjawab maka DEESSER menjawab...heheheh... ableton itu ngga jauh lebih kayak wavelab dan kombinasi sama dengan acir pro. bedanya sekarang yang live 5 udah bisa import all type of file codec, dan juga ineraktifnya sama program lain lebih friendly. Programnya gampang banget untuk di coba di mainin untuk live atau juga buat producing lagu, it comes with a prtty handful preset and sound bank in it, tutorial banyak banget bisa di download dari websitenya. lain dari itu ableton itu juga enak banget untuk cari2 ide lagu untuk di remix atau mulai dari scratch. Soalnya tempo bisa berubah2 sesuka elo tanpa merubah pitch control dari lagunya sendiri... easy drop and drag aja ... makanya it becomes one the esseintial program for me and most of live pa yang lainnya ... banyak yang make Electronic groove kalau ngga salah pake juga, ask dj random i think.... hope that helps later geezer #11
Producing Music - General Talk / Re: ARE YOU MAC ADDICT? LET'S PRODUCE25/04/06, 06:11Quote from: djrandom on 20/02/06, 14:55 true but with m audio it should be best though...behringer is cheap but it's not gonna make you happy in the long run though... are you doing pro audio? Pages1