HBD RVLX semakin berjaya selalu jangan jadi partai ya....
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Main Talk / Re: 9 Years of Ravelex.net, 2003 - 201218/04/12, 10:30
HBD RVLX semakin berjaya selalu jangan jadi partai ya....
Jakarta Events / Re: DIMENSIONS PLAYGROUND 5th EDITION, 5/5/2012 Tennis Park Senayan18/04/12, 10:15Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 17/04/12, 18:12Quote from: Gober on 17/04/12, 17:41crowd nya st etienne anak2 tarki soubbb :p yuk bersua.. #3
Jakarta Events / Re: DIMENSIONS PLAYGROUND 5th EDITION, 5/5/2012 Tennis Park Senayan18/04/12, 10:12Quote from: sonique on 04/04/12, 10:47Quote from: 7 on 03/04/12, 11:56 Ceii ceiiiiiii ![]() #4
Jakarta Events / Re: MARLBORO MAGNIFISOUND presents PAUL OAKENFOLD @ SEGARRA 3rd APRIL17/03/09, 18:46
Sport / Re: RVLX FUTSAL31/08/08, 18:18
@tomy. atur aje kbrin gw!!!!! maen yg di PI aje tuhhhh enak...
Jakarta Events / Re: CLOSER featuring 11 DJs on Aug 30th 2008 @ Manhattan Club30/08/08, 15:27
sadap joni..... hehehehe
Surabaya / Re: JOHN DIGWEED & NICK WARREN comin 2 INDONESIA29/08/08, 23:54Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 29/08/08, 23:36 pastinya... ayo ahhh taro dulu dlam jadwal seru juga!!!hehe #8
Mix Tape / Demo sharing / Podcast / Re: In Search Of a Job27/08/08, 01:17
sedot ya juragan...
btw selanjutnya bapur niyyhhhh kamren nanya2 softwarenya ma gw.hahahaha #9
Disk Jockey / Re: 4 All DJ's... What is ur Favorite/Comfortable "HEADPHONE"27/08/08, 00:45
ga tau knapa gw masih lebih PW ma pioneer HDJ1000 pdhal gw pke dah 3taun masih enak aja!!!
Disk Jockey / Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)25/08/08, 01:27
@ferre. hehehe damai kyak slank aja!!!
@githa. walaupun aku ga dateng tp kan aku selalu ada klo km butuhin!!! hahahahayyyyy #11
Disk Jockey / Re: ANTI DJ ?????23/08/08, 01:19
hehehehe ceweknya di tikung Mr.dj kali yakkkk!!!
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: LIQUID SPACE - a Drum'n'Bass Mix by DJ Jerome...enjoy your summer time...22/08/08, 17:53
keren ngebuat hidup gw lebih berwarna... hehehehe baru dngerin menit2 awal nihhhh!!!
Bass Music (Drum n Bass / Uk Garage / Dubstep) / Re: LIQUID SPACE - a Drum'n'Bass Mix by DJ Jerome...enjoy your summer time...22/08/08, 16:37
cihuyyyyyy sedot dulu ahhhhh:)
Disk Jockey / Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)22/08/08, 16:29
@angelo... pendapat sy tntang anda lo lebih gokilllll sob apalgi itu tuhhhh track 2 "River spirit" hehehehe
@Githa... Muahhhhhhhh. hehehehe @Nick... situ juga oke kok apalagi klo kita barengan lagi kayk di centro... hahahaa mpe parno kan lo!!! #15
Disk Jockey / Re: about MIDWAY*78 ? (FIL & JELLY Live set)22/08/08, 02:18
@Flow.. hahahaha senior kampus gw mampir juga ke sini... siap atuhhhhh:)
@Diena.. hajarrrrr??? hehehehe ntar berdiri di depan speaker ya mbil pke kacamata item... hihihi #16
Label / Event Organizing / Re: ***TRANCE 4 LIFE*** (T4L)21/08/08, 20:58Quote from: dirtynumbangelboy on 20/08/08, 02:46Quote from: ginalfyl on 18/08/08, 05:02ogah bulu kelek mu mambu.. #17
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance4Life's "DRAMATICA" at Wonderbar 20 August 200820/08/08, 21:24Quote from: bless the child on 20/08/08, 21:01 iye santai asal bawa oleh mushroom... hehehe #18
Disk Jockey / Re: Do you know who DJ DIENA? Need your comment.19/08/08, 00:54
cihuyyy diajakin.hehehehe
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance4Life's "DRAMATICA" at Wonderbar 20 August 200819/08/08, 00:40Quote from: osvaldo1945MF on 19/08/08, 00:36 iye oos bner megang bnget dahhh RobbieJobi.hehehe #20
wah inconnue sukses yakkkk, mau maen-maen ke markasnya blom sempet2.hehehe
Educations / School & Studio Rentals / Re: INTRODUCING " STUDIO212"18/08/08, 17:27
rabu maen ahhh kesana...
btw studionya PW buat basian juga enak.hehehehe #22
bang huhuhuhu miss you!!!!!!
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance4Life's "DRAMATICA" at Wonderbar 20 August 200818/08/08, 15:05
@DNAB. huhahahahaha cemen bnget dahhh, dateng lau yeee ntar gw ajak tonkrongan kampus TOngJams... hahahahaha
Jakarta Events / Re: Trance4Life's "DRAMATICA" at Wonderbar 20 August 200818/08/08, 14:37
@cristo. siappppp semoga berkenan dikupingnya yaaaa:) hehehe btw si jelly blom minum obat kuat kali makanya maenya bentar di mbc!!! hehehehe
@nick. awas lo ntar gw cekokin jgn ngabur. hahahaha |