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Messages - JUragaN KObam

Quote from: Anzamarch on 24/12/09, 19:46

aaiihhh si kasep..  8)
Quote from: walasok on 10/12/09, 19:11
kiriman merpati posnya dah nyampe blom juoo?

singkong! :P

udah.. tapi tinggal dikit jumlahnya... katanya di udara di palak ama burung garuda.. japrem kayanya  8)
kiki tong gelo  :P
Quote from: Anzamarch on 09/12/09, 14:15
Happy b day kang! 2 kali nih partynya! shit i missed all the party..damn..pokoknya fully support from Seattle! SIKAT!! hehe

hahahahaha si kasep!! nuhun yah.. malem ini bakal ada rooftop of heaven di kampus hehehe  *piss*
waahhhh... hehehe thank u bgt fahmi dan endris buatin gue party  :P thank u juga buat semuanya..
amin  :D thank u bgt buat teman2.. mahesa, lagu lu pasti gue mainin  *bgs* keren dan kualitas lagu2 lu  :D
thank u iaz.. btw, MC Q akan berangkat juga kesana hehe  *tepuktangan*
Teman2 ravelex yg kucintai hehe...  Gue cabut dulu ke states dan canada yah  :D doakan kita sukses di sana yahh... semoga bisa rocking krn gue akan bawain lagu2 dance produser indonesia lainnya juga. Sampe ketemu desember yah teman2  :D *piss* :D *piss* :D
house & latin....? maksudnya samba2 gitu atau bossa kind a house gitu yah? 
kiki ternyata emang calon atlet tinju euy hahaha *piss*
waw hehehe.. oiya, ada yg tau nggak yah dia main genre apa?
alhamdulilah ki... walaupun kiki petinju tapi hatinya mulia..  :)
thank u buat semuanya.. dari nu disco ampe house classic hahaha.. mantap guyz. anggarez dan ical serta dipa big applause *bgs*
hehe sorry baru log in... thank u bgt buat semua nya yg udah support  *tepuktangan* minta doanya mudah2an di negeri paman sam dan canada bisa seru juga.. thank u erick, anza, anggina, david x2, rummy air suci, clubhoppers, teman2 ravelex, free magz, icon team, nuril, dll  :-* *tepuktangan* :-* *tepuktangan* :-* *tepuktangan*
pada dateng yah guyz.. liat sisi lain musikal kita hehehe... btw ini akan jadi monthly event. so... kalo para disk jockey ada yg mau explore musik di sini tempatnya.. please contact junko or basement house... free your mind gitulohhh hehehehe.....  ;)
Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 27/10/09, 17:22
@JUragaN KObam
aahhh mintaa support muluuu, awas dese jgn lupa ga usah balik ke indo yaa cyynn klo yee ga bw'in eike oleh" atleast intan permata kekk hasil keringat yeyy....wakakakakakkak

eke bawain krim pemutih kulit yg paling manjur yah  :-*
hahahaha... doain yah sob biar "sukses"nya bisa gitu lagi hahahahahaha ;D
guyz.. pada support yah. fyi.. ANZAMARCH main jam 11-12,  WIPPENBERG  main jam 12-2, WINKY main jam 2-4, resident until closed. thank u bgt  :D
International / Re: ZOUK OUT 2009
22/10/09, 10:24
nggak euy ndra.. bikin acara birtday gue sih di kampus tgl 12 des teh hehehe...
International / Re: ZOUK OUT 2009
21/10/09, 19:59
Quote from: bLacK daMAN! on 20/10/09, 03:20
lama ngamatin gatal jg bt ikut komen, apa lg udh jarang ada threat/hal yg menarik skr ini...hehe

With all respect just my personal thought ya, basiclly i'm agree with all the positive answer nor reply by all of you guys. but the idea is not which one better or just gain a word "support" for this event or that one. Letz start do some real act not just compare which one better. Share thought or do real action to show ur real contribution that can make our scene better then before ( i'm not talking that we had been left behind, or going party abroad more engageing ). There's no meeting point if we all debating about someone personal choice's n pleasure. Everyone has their own reason to pick their own party agenda/holiday. Everyone has the right also for just partying with-without care ( repot", ribet", ribut") on other things. Without any complain.

Our yearly outdoor agenda such as Summer season last august/every year has able to attract many local tourist nor international ones. And we hv to be proud of it! I'm not saying that Zouk is not interesting, yes interesting indeed. But my own evaluation is, ( a question that interesting for us to discuss) for some people's sometimes is just a matter of BRAND attraction. Some people's that i know, doesnt even know whose the lineup Djs playing there but they still go to Zouk. Or why most people's still gv an extra concern ( i'm not saying he's not worthed too watch over n over but the talk is too much) for AVB, yes he's a world class Dj but come on guys its his 3rd visit here for this year n its too much n sometimes not good for a business n scene itself. Peoples deserve for a variation of entertainment. In other case Maybe its liked what Dj Romy said that " rumput tetangga kadang terlihat lebih baik dibanding rumput sendiri " or not? or maybe it just liked what u all yelling about. There's not enough support from our local goverment? I believe its all back again to us. Every single little think that we do is count guys! Aslong its positive. If i go to Zouk or Ibiza, its not only for party till drop, but its also for study or compare. Maybe there's a positive think that we all can adapt on it. They way they held n organize the event perhaps? so everylesson that we gain, its a good knowledge for us, for our own local scene and future event. I hope u share the same thought.

last but not least, just wondering nih....thread event" summer kmrn rata" cmn mendapat perhatian/reply hingga 2-3 hal. Zouk? till now 5 pages. Mungkin klo dibkin suatu polemik ato ada yg menimbulkan polemik disebuah treat di rvlx, akan jd rame n mendapat perhatian lebih besar yah...hehe Its become hit n more hit because of us no matter where we all stand for. Polemik can be a "good" things sometimes...Marketing rules  *piss*

Just my 3 cents guys (  kotek pelit cmn 2 cents, gw bykan aahh ngasihnyaa  :P  ) hihi


gokil... black bahasa inggrisnya boleh juga  *piss*
punten pada dateng yah kita liat setnya anzamarch.. prog trance gitu dan udah mau release 2 lagu dia. canggih sih menurut gue  *bgs*
kunaon ieu teh??? yuk mending ikutan kiki junko jadi atlit karate tingkat kotamadya.
pada dateng yuk barudak bandung  :D liat kiki jeung vindra breakdance nanti jam 2 pagi di embassy bandung  *tepuktangan*
guyz.. gue pribadi mau berterima kasih bgt dpt REDMA best dj of the year 2009. thank u bgt buat semua pihak yg udah support junko  :D. Buat panitia dan juri Redma, maturnuwun yah sekali. Juga para senior gue yg udah selalu jd inspirasi gue. thanks bgt. cinta bgt ama lu semua  :-*  :D :D sukses buat edm lokal  :D - winky w.
Quote from: Discomfort on 29/04/09, 10:37
sedikit saran:

sebenernya masalahnya tidak hanya di gl/free entry. Tp begitu org2 yg dtg dgn guest list / free entry ini masuk, apa yang bakal mereka dapetin? Ya kalau gak seru org jelas males spending. Tp gw udh cukup males ngomongin "kenapa contents event gitu2 aja", instead gw pengen kasi beberapa ide untuk meningkatkan sales of beverages, dan utk ini perlu kerjasama antara label/EO yg punya event, Venue dan sponsors:

-early bird specials; free drinks instead of free entry utk 3 jam pertama (10 - 12), mengingat orang mabuk akan spend lebih banyak dibandingkan org sadar.

-cheaper drinks! Rp. 25.000 is good enough for a glass of beer / a shot of vodka/tequilla. Diatas 5 gelas gratis 1 gelas, diatas 3 pitcher gratis 1 pitcher, ya you guys work on the numbers. In short, selama beers /shots nya murah org bakal nyambung terus kok. Kalau gak salah ada beberapa brand beer/liquor yg lg harga promo per barrel/bottle/shots nya, plus kalo dijadiin sponsor gw rasa bisa lebih murah lagi tuh..

-Jangan bergantung sama botol yg harganya aja udh extremely overpriced. Itu jelas2 susah kejualnya, bergantung lah sama item2 yg gampang dijualnya / fast moving items seperti beers n shots. Hare gene siapa peduli prestise via buka botol?

- Make drinking fun! Bikin small games kayak beer bong atau shots drinking competition di bar. Hadiahnya bisa minuman lagi, apa produk sponsor, atau dicium sama pr girls nya ato apa kek..

Mungkin ini ide2 lama ya.. but I don't know.. clubs sekarang kadang2 juga terlalu snob sih, sok eksklusif dan belaga gak perlu buyer dari minuman yg ecek2 padahal book, duit lo dari mane sih? Gatewaynya dari mane sih kalo gak dari buyer2 yg kecil gini. If they had an exciting times when its least expected, gw yakin kok pada saat mereka ada budget lebih bwt balik lagi, mereka bakal spend lebih. Yg penting they feel at home, nyaman. Ini blum apa2 Pr nya judes, security tengil, bartender songong dan manyun2, music policy ama dresscode nya sok ketat tapi gak tau maunya apa. eh pas mo beli minum mahal.. gimane org gak pilih balik aja?

but anyways, ini sekedar saran aja.. sape juga gueee yaaaa... hahahah

setuju bgt bgt bgt dgn saran anda  *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*