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Messages - prasswerk

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Cut tary, thomas djorghi, karina suwandi, febby lawrence,
citra anggun, sherif, okta diansari, novi buana, sashi drew, marine
widjanarko, marrio merdhithia, dj tiara eve, dj syeni, dj shary, andi
80,dj jessica, bempie, sara wijayanto, davie hardin, dj yasmin, raka
indra, mc angel,aida nurmala,rahma azhari,sarah azhari,deepak
daryanani,andre djokosoetono,nana bule,teza,fadel aziz,iman aziz.....
Quote from: Discomfort on 29/11/09, 11:43
sudah saya kirim power pointnya, have fun!

ternyata seorang anti mainstream sperti brot niang juga kpengen punya bebeh... hahahahaaaaa
piss brot and wish u all the luck!
ada penambahan dikit di line ups nihh...

secara yang bersangkutan ultah yaaa dia maen harus pol2an.. :D
wuihhhh dj bobon menjarah kemang... beware to all ladies.. :D
Quote from: BLANCO on 25/08/09, 14:54
Quote from: Debon on 24/08/09, 14:16
abis awannya deket bgt tampaknya... huehehehe.. awan di bali emang gitu sob...
jangan menyalahkan awan di Bali,,,mungkin lo yg mainnya kejauhan kali  ;D ;D ;D

nahh tuhhh, abangnya bicara..

btw, foto aquasonic juga ada di fanspage nya Aquasonic yakk :D
Quote from: Debon on 21/08/09, 20:48
btw kok foto gw main cuman 1 ya??

kan elu kbanyakan liat awan putih sihhh... hahahahaahaaaaa
biarpun gue merem2 ayam, tapi gue sempet tau banget tuhh pas lu ngibrit masuk kamar.. hahahahaaaa
mamaaaaaaangggg.... are u there???
di upload dong hasil jepretan nya yg slip2 itu.. :D

beneran slip lho.. :p
It was wicked... thanks to all sponsors and all crews! You guys did really great works for that!
cuma mau ngingetin yaa buat yg pada berangkat ke bali.. kalo Aquasonic mulai dari jam 6 sore, 4 dance areas: Dejavu Club, Dejavu Rooftop, dan 2 stage di Blue Ocean Beach, depannya Dejavu persis
enjoy the party guys :D
wahhh secara masih di bali tgl sgitu, yaa sikatlahhh... pasti hadir!! :D
hiks hikss, dah kadung sobb.. pokoknya ai lapyu pull dahh :D
jangan lupa yaa guys, ntar malem seru2an di x2... :)
Yogyakarta / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!
07/08/09, 08:42
heheheeee, unik nihh.. emang jogja ajib!! :bgs:

Tatiana Fontes was born in Florianópolis, Brazil, on November 14, to Fernando Fontes and Rosa Maria Bastos, who are of Italian and Brazilian descent respectively. Her father is a nightclub owner and her mom a homemaker. Tatiana has one sister and three brothers. Despite her parents divorce when she was two years old, her family is very close and supportive of each other.

Tatiana started taking ballet lessons when she was 5. At 12 she used to write, direct, and star in her own theater productions, inviting her friends to be part of it. She also started a singing / dancing group called "Paquitas de Floripa", with which she would travel around the state performing in fairs, birthday parties and children's hospitals. At the age of 15 she started to get offers for modeling jobs in her hometown. She really liked the idea of being a model, and when she was 16 a trip to the mall changed her life. A lady invited her to participate in a modeling contest called The Look Of The Year created by Elite Models. Tatiana was one of the finalists, she didn't win first place, but she got a contract to work in Japan.

Japan was the first of many countries Tatiana worked in. She went on to do campaigns, commercials, editorials, fashion shows and billboards in Paris, Milan, Switzerland, Germany and Brazil. In 1999, she was cast as a model in the Oliver Stone's film Any Given Sunday. Tatiana continued to model for a while and in 2001 decided to move to Los Angeles to be a full time actress. She went to Joanne Baron - D.W. Brown Studio to study acting. She finished the two year program, and only after that she got herself a manager, an agent and started the auditioning process. After some roles in student films, in 2003 she was cast as the lead in the short Diamond Hearts. In 2004 came along her first dramatic role in the feature film Sharkskin 6, where she plays a mother struggling to protect her son from an abusive stepfather. In 2005, she did with Eva Langoria a Pepsi commercial called "the new neighbor". Also in 2005 Tatiana appeared in the comedy Characters as Chloe, where she played the girl next door and Zach's (Lucas Haas) love interest. In 2006 she gained further small screen experience with a part in the TV Show Las Vegas, where she got to work alongside former superman Dean Cane.

Tatiana lives in Los Angeles with Eric Chambers, her husband of 5 years. She is currently studying with the legendary acting couch Eric Morris. She practices Pilates and runs when time allows, is a fan of the band The cure and likes to read Henry Miller's books. Her favorite actors are Gary Oldman and Natalie Portman.
lho bentrok apa?? heheheheee
Marco lenzi
World Rank #49 at DJ MAG

Marco Lenzi has been a key player in the Techno scene for more than 14 years. His involvement in the London scene started when he, Nils, Hans Hess and Alex Oppido started the Silverfish Records store on the Charig Cross road in the heart of London. The store was an important part of the growth of techno in the UK. The Silverfish store always had an open mind when it came to the music it stocked, as long it was quality! Its reputation was built from the knowledge that the founder members injected into it.

Sadly Silferfish came to an end in 1995, but Marco, Nils and Hans knew that they had a good formula for a record shop to serve the underground dance community in and around London. After much deliberation they started Eukatech records in Covent Garden. As many other independent stores around town, Marco Lenzi, keeps Eukatech buzzing on the techno/house scene. Through the record store Marco gets to utilize his great knowledge of all things electronic, advising customers on their music selection.

His passion for techno lead to the birth of Molecular Recordings, one of the most respected cutting edge techno labels in the UK. To date he has released many records from artist like Inigo Kennedy, Kelly Hand, Holy Ghost, DJ Bone, Colin Mc Bean ( ex Advent ),Chris Liebing as well the successful anonymous xx series.

Marco's love of electronic music started over 20 years ago after he inherited some records from his father, an electronic engineer for NASA. His early influences include K. Stokhoussen, Pierre Henry, G. Ligety and other producers from the 60' s, artists who weren't' t afraid to experiment with new sounds and techniques. This is something that Marco keeps in line with his own production and DJ work.

He has DJ' d all over Europe and World (specially Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, Czech Rep., Poland, Slovenia, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Turkey, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Poland and even Osaka and the 'Liquid rooms' in Tokyo, Japan) -taking his minimal and funky, no messing sound to the masses. His main passion though is his production work and running the shop and the label.

As you can see from this information Marco pretty much, eats, sleeps and breathes techno-his love for this genre is unquestionable.
AQUASONIC (The Real Outdoor Beach's Rave) @Blue Ocean's Beach, Deja'vu Club & RoofTop, August 15th'09...

Marco Lenzi (#49 World DJ Rank), Romy, Deny, Winky, Innerlight, Ai Whitelands, Ridwan Imperial Beat, Marquee and 40 Indonesian Top DJs...
manteeepppp... hadir juga ahhhh kali ini :)
btw, dont forget to come the Official Warm Up Session of Aquasonic 2009 in Friday, August 07 2009 at X2, jakarta...

Romy and Didi The Dub Wave (1945MF)
Blanco and Debon (Electrosoul)
AdeBro (Clubhoppers)
MC Double B
VJ Flickerscreen

and also ND White and Cello, X2 residents
hayukksss... sukses guys
sebenernya sihh twitter itu micro blogging sobb.. jadi intinya yaa sama aja kalo elu nulis di blog dan pasti ada aja org yg mau tau elu lg ngapain.. :)
semakin lu update itu twitter, pastinya smakin banyak org yg pengen tau elu ngapain.. heheheee
bahasa inggrisnya.. icam.com (baca: ikutcampur.com, red)
ehh tapi ini menurut gue lho

so far, gue sihh demen2 aja nihh nge-tweet :)
mungkin ada yg mau menambahkan.... sok atuhhh
hmm.. kalo mau update-an party the legend beach rave: Aquasonic, please follow twitter.com/aquasonic2009 yaaa.. :)