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Messages - yudhaa

My Deepest Condolence
Jo...jo....numpang tanya donk! Zouk Out mei ini mau ada di Jakarta bener ga siiih?
Dear 7/24,

You did a very great job...Salut sama kerja keras kalian, when every youth are enjoying a party, you are guys brainstorming about the next event. That's what every youth should do. Buat pendekar, setuju buat kritiknya, tapi harus diinget juga boss anak satu tahun yang baru bisa jalan jangan langsung disuruh lari, That's the analogy buat kritik loe...Masih banyak memang yang harus mereka lakukan, tapi steps that they have been taken, it's a huge progress...Why dont you show your appreciation first afterwards show them what should be do! That's more wise instead of critics. Maklum lah namanya juga baru...

Afterall it's a wrap guys...Keep up the good work!!!