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Messages - puppa

Anger dimas... Congratzzz bro...  *tepuktangan*
oh ya... wow... congratz buat yg kepilih.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
Quote from: angga_doxx on 18/11/08, 23:43
Quote from: angger_dimas on 18/11/08, 15:32
udahlah..eh,katanya udah di umumin nominasinya ya?

Iya nih, gw mo tau siapa aja.. pasti keren2 tuh!
Bingung ya, udh disuruh dukung lewat sms, tapi kt gk tau syp aja yg bisa dipilih... (?) (?) (?)

bknya tgl 24 nov ya bro di umuminnya? gak jelas juga sih infonya... hmmm...
Quote from: sir_arrogant on 18/11/08, 15:37
@puppa: Great thinking bro! your adding your own personal touch to the remix! best of luck to you!  *bgs*

Thanks sir_arrogant...  *bgs* *bgs* CHEERS...
Quote from: angger_dimas on 18/11/08, 15:32
udahlah..eh,katanya udah di umumin nominasinya ya?

bisa liat di mana bro... ada linknya? ato di indika fm?
Quote from: sir_arrogant on 18/11/08, 15:14
@puppa: It's great bro! everything sounds great and original bro! did you record everything bro or do you use loops bro? whatever it is, it sounds great bro!go bro!! Your in my top playlist for sure bro! yeah!!  *tepuktangan*

thanks bro arrogant... i remix this track (heinrich manuever) with my friend, we record the guitars and bass, the drum we use stylus rmx... and we add 2nd voice for the vocal

thanks for the comment... met kenal bro...
Quote from: sir_arrogant on 18/11/08, 14:54
@puppa: Hi Bro! yeah.. of course i heard it! It's Greaaaaattttt!! Very Colorful!!  *tepuktangan* How can you do that man  (?) ?? can you teach us how to do that bro?

ps: i hope you win bro, ok bro?! good luck bro!!

hmmmm.... bcanda neh komennya... yg penuh kritik dong... kan kalo kritik gak papa bro... ya sud... thanks anyway bro...

like your old attitude actually... lol
Quote from: sir_arrogant on 18/11/08, 14:49
Hey everybody!! What a great music! i've been listening to all your tracks and i'm very inspired! You guys are the best Producers in the whole world! What a unique mind!!  *tepuktangan* I bet all of you will win the competition!!! everybody is so great, everybody will be number 1!! Great music! Great producers! Great everything!! yeeyyyyyy  *tepuktangan* I'm so happy to be here  :)

yeah right... nice try... hahaha LOL, bro... komenin remix gw dong...
Quote from: sir_arrogant on 18/11/08, 14:16
@Heru Iqbal: ?? It's a Remix Competition, not a Remix and Attitude Competition! Get real.

@Joey_30: You know already, don't bother asking what is a Real Producer & not every music here is "canggih"  ;D

@DJFoo: I'm just being honest. I hope you appreciate honesty.

@the rest: whatever

bro arrogant, remix gw gimana?... udah lu denger?... apa komennya bro... linknya ada di halaman sebelum ini (14)

salam kenal...
wow, the famous DJ from Bali is here... nice Dj. Snookz... mantap bro

wedew, itu kan artis semua.... wkwkwkwkw *tepuktangan*
nanya bro... itu finalis katanya dah kepilih 5 musisi... emang dah di umumin? tadi gw denger2 di radio indika... tapi gak disebut sapa2nya... ada yg tau kah? huehuehuehue  :P
@Dj. Foo... hehehe thanks sob...