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Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: [SALE] Ableton Push 2 8 jt, Akai Advance 25 6 jt, UAD Satellite Quad TB 10 jt11/07/17, 03:31
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Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / [SALE] Ableton Push 2 8 jt, Akai Advance 25 6 jt, UAD Satellite Quad TB 10 jt11/07/17, 03:29
Foto Nyusul ya
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Jual KRK SUBWOOFER 10"14/09/15, 08:56
Jual KRK Sub 10" + Box
5 Juta Nett.. 081213177759 - Mahesa Utara #5
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / [SELL] Traktor Z1 + case17/04/14, 16:28photo.JPG (Filesize: 423.09 KB, Dimensions: 1536x1152, Views: 435) 2.5 Nett! Mint condition! 081213177759 #7
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / [SOLD] CDJ-850 black - Masih Garansi06/02/14, 02:40+ Box.. Tidak ada lecet sama sekali.. Pemakaian pribadi.. Contact : - Mahesa Utara 081213177759 #8
Thanks Ravelex!
Apogee One dan Mic Mount.. Baru banget! Gue mau jual karena mau ganti BB, hehehe..
2.5 juta http://lockerz.com/s/202147083 Hubungi langsung di 08179907599 Lokasi gue di kemang.. Thanks Guys! Nego kok #10
Music / Re: Guetta Going Underground19/04/12, 03:32Quote from: Ucil on 19/04/12, 00:09Quote from: mahesautara on 18/04/12, 18:07 Exactly.. hehehe.. i'm just sayin, nembus mainstream itu ga gampang juga, dan patut dihargai sih #12
Music / Re: Guetta Going Underground18/04/12, 18:07
Just a thought, "Indie" or "Underground" simply means it's not good enough to cross over to the mainstream. If it was, it would. #fact
- Tommy Sunshine Kalau Guetta bisa berhasil di dua duanya, menurut gue dia hebat sih.. #13
Music / Re: Guetta Going Underground18/04/12, 18:03
yg bikin gw ngakak "it's for beatport only" c'mon dude..
haha, apa yg lucu dr situ bro? #15
Ravelex Stereo Sessions / Re: Ravelex Stereo #005 - Bone Fiol (Spinach Records)04/02/11, 02:43
Thank youuu mas Bonee
Main Talk / Re: Tiesto akan menjadi Headline ZoukOut 201024/10/10, 16:17Quote from: Bone on 18/10/10, 14:47 Aprojek katanya masBon.. Semoga bisa dateng deh.. #19
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / JUAL - Kaossilator (Kuning) Baru banget11/10/10, 14:44Foto aslinya nyusul ya.. 1,1 Juta.. Baru gue beli sebulan lalu, belum pernah dipake live.. Gak ada lecet sama sekali, persis kayak baru.. Hubungin gue di 08179907599 thanks! #20
Local Remixes / Acidkids ft. Tommy Sunshine - Never Slow (Mahesa Utara Remix) not mixed12/09/10, 08:04
New stuff
Acidkids ft. Tommy Sunshine - Never Slow (Mahesa Utara Remix) not mixed http://soundcloud.com/mahesautara/acidkids-ft-tommy-sunshine-never-slow-mahesa-utara-bootleg-not-mixed #21
Main Talk / Re: Regenerasi12/09/10, 06:13
Just a thought..
Sbnernya menurut gue, dengan sudah terbentuknya stereotipe dj2 skrg, jadi lebih mudah bgt untuk 'think outside the box' karena polanya udah keliatan.. buat dj2 muda, producing is the key (bukannya karena gue bisa produce jadi gue ngomong ini tapi karena emang udah ada buktinya), yang kedengeran saat ini itu yang bisa produce smua, jadi do your home work, belajar DAW ga sulit kok kalo niat.. kalo belum punya basic musik, ya ambil les ato apa kek, itu ngebantu banget. Proofnya udah keliatan, jadi kenapa nunggu? Dan menurut gue gausa khawatir kalo soal regenerasi, bibit2 baru udah banyak banget, cuma emang scenenya yang belum mendukung, dan itu gapapa, smuanya butuh proses kan? Jadi ketimbang discuss soal ini, lebih baik 'do your homework'.. that's it.. dan kita bisa maju sama2.. Buat dj, PRODUCING is the next level.. #23
Local Remixes / The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Mahesa Utara Bootleg)01/09/10, 15:35
The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Mahesa Utara Bootleg)
Sorry for the vid quality.. 1. XR2 Turbo Remix 2. Great DJ (Mahesa Utara Bootleg) 3. Uraqt (Angger Dimas Bootleg) This one, played in Poland.. #25
Trade Zone / Forum Jual Beli / Re: Jual PH HipHop Classic22/08/10, 19:08
Kalo jual vinyl second bukannya gapapa bro?