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Messages - decildecil

whoaaa!! yeaaaaa... asikkkkk...
after d'LUST transit, and now ENVY!!

asikkk berarti next masih akan buka 5 tempat lagi sodara-sodara! cihuy bandung melejitttt , lets wait and pray for :  "Gluttony", "Greed", "Sloth", "Wrath",  and "Pride".
nambah lagiiii ada ALTER EGO di cihampelas!
any comment?
phewww.. sempet shocked banget waktu denger AMARE mau tutup, buat anak2 EDM Bandung, Amare adalah our lovely 2nd Home!! kalo ngomongin kenangan disini sih masya alohhh banyak abiss..

apalagi kalo ada anak2 ulang taun, maka kolam di depan tony romas lah saksi bisu nya! ewww!!! tapi itu udah jadi tradisi banget laaahh..

dj booth, dengan ngumpulnya anak2 kalo pengen tempat lebih gelap disitu.. ahahaha..
garden area, untuk ngobrol lebih jelas lagi sama anak2 karena kalo di dalem rame banget..

ahhh banyak banget kenangannyaaa!!
belum lagi original sin, red orgy, aaahhhhhhh!!!

and friendly peeps around there!
the events of course : ultah amare, ultah lulu, beach party, pajamas party, models night, city of angels, soundz therapy, ahhhhhhh banyaaaakkkkkkk!!!!!!!
minta doanya teman-teman..
DJ Alvin - 1945 MF
baru aja kena demam berdarah, lagi di rawat di advent.
Cepet sembuh yaaa pingg...
hahaha si om kojack dibawa serius aja ih, namanya juga buat seru seruan ihhhhh...
After doin' a little surveys to some of clubbers in Bandung, Now OzDiscoland is going to tell you where are the unusual places (but real) that is very good to held a rave party.

Mulai dari pantai, hanggar pesawat terbang, sirkuit sentul, pelataran candi, unfinished buildings, skate park sampe dunia fantasi udah pernah dijadiin tempat rave party di Indonesia. Hmm.. kira-kira yang seru dimana lagi ya? So here are the lists,,

Ex. Istana Plaza Ice Rink.

Yapp.. Can u imagine to dancing with your ice skate shoes? With minus temperature also? That would be very great,rite? Apalagi buat kita yang emang ga pernah ngerasain yang namanya musim salju, ini pasti akan rame banget deh.

The Good.
I don't think we need any air conditioner! Dan ini saatnya buat kita tampil dengan winter wardrobe yang pastinya hampir ga pernah kita pake di Indonesia.

The Bad.
There will be no bikinis around!
Should we drink a hot beers? Yuck!


2.   The Cemetery
Ex. Any cemeteries in town

Nice places to throw a Halloween Party, only peoples with freaky dresses invited. Minuman yang disediain pun harus warna merah, such as red wine, red orgy or any else.

The Good.
We don't need any decoration, and massive lighting. Darker is always nice,rite?

The Bad.
Yea, ini kuburan! Bisa jadi yang lo liat  adalah bukan halusinasi yang biasa lo rasain. They could be real. Yes,  a real ghost.


3.   The ZOO
Ex. Kebun Binatang Taman Sari

This is another great place to held any themed rave party. You can do any jungle party, save the environment party, or anything as long as its not THE TARZAN X PARTY!

The Good.
Now we can party with those party animals! The real party animals.

The Bad
The smell. Gak cuman wangi parfum yang udah kecampur ama bau keringet ato asep rokok yang biasanya ngebikin wangi parfum jadi tambah enak, tapiii the smell of animal's shit! Can you stand for it?


4.   Helipad
Ex. Rooftop skycrappers buildings.

Put one real helicopter as the decoration, then the party is going to be the greatest.

The Good.
Partying as I am on the top of the world, with bestfriends and people you don't know is priceless.

The Bad
We can't be too drunk. Unless we want to try the highest bungee jumps, with no bungee.



Nah kalo yang ini tentunya juga bakal bikin party kita tambah seru dan kerasa beda banget, pasti bakal banyak yang dateng dan pengen nyobain pengalaman baru kaya gini.

The Good.
We can dance with the fish and seems like we're on the ocean. How is it feel like to partying with the sharks around you? Great!

The Bad.
Since we had no big and massive Sea World Tunnel here in Indonesia, so we're gonna need a very good air circulation.
Dan ga bisa ada banyak orang juga yang dateng kalo tempatnya kecil. Ya kan?


mungkin ada yang mau nambahin? hehehe....

*this article will be on aired at ozdiscoland bandung this friday.
ingin sih, tapi tunggu line up nya lengkap deh..
tim taon lalu berangkuts lagi gaks?
nah ini dia the original beach party! AMARE BEACH PARTY!! wajippp hadeeerrr!!!
skip! sial! ini tadi malem ya?
see u guys there yaa! mari ah marii.. sangria lagi mari..
canggih euy!
7sins ama 6th sense itu bar, ga bisa dibilang club sih kalo kata gue.. websitenya juga gue belom tau, mereka baru pada buka gitu, untuk informasi alamat sih.. 7 sins di daerah diponegoro, kalo 6th sense di dago kota..
huahahaha si uuk nimbrung wae.. nice try uk!
TRL iya juga tuh, mantap tempatnya.. skrg cuman bisa liat namanya doang..


i'm back in Bandung cinggg... Ibukota memang lebih kejam dari ibu tiri.. hahahaha..
eh iya nih support ya acaranya.. hehehe..
dulu ini pernah buka kan oom den? gua pernah nemenin si bimzkee maen disini kalo ga salah..
embassy is very very fine oom den!!
ayo dooong buattt lagii.. ay sudah kangen costume party ini!!
eh eh eh...
fotonya pas yang di flyers bagian depan
posenya mirip sama fotonya evan ya.. pelukan dari belakang..

ya elah teng, kaya ga kenal aja.. ya becanda kali gua juga, kaya ga bisa milih2 aja..

ih lucu.. foto pre-wedding nya?