

Started by LosTSisKa, 14/10/09, 08:40

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Infected, Dance, Rhythm

40hours to go guys...
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

01/11/09, 16:46 #4 Last Edit: 01/11/09, 17:01 by bLacK daMAN!
Walaupun smpet mati gaya n dagdigdug di jam" awal bingung rung rame, smpet kepikiran opo kabeh clubbers mendadak ngerock, jd rocker yo neng manahan  :P akhirnya tepat sblum jam12 mlm. Ballroom yg yang penuh cerita dan kenangan ini mulai pax pax and pax!
last night solo luar biasaaaaaaa!!!!!!
more then 350 people's (solo partygoers along n foreign people that comes) rocking the ballroom  *bgs*

hingga selesai event, bubar lampu menyala ratusan org yg tersisa ra glem bubar ki, nice
mungkin si mbak widyasiskasardjana GM lor in yg baru  ;D  bs bantu kedpnnya hingga jam6 pagi mungkin (BM mode: on)

za, dancer"e dikei mangan yoo mesakee tenaaan....wakakkakakak

jarene jogo tikeettt, mlh melu pentas...fla and iso feat lostsiska  :P

overall as noted..
Apresiasi dan antusiasme crowd solo terhadap event yg diadakan terlihat sangat baik dan berkunjung ke solo selalu menyenangkan, penuh cerita dan nostagia  hehe jd maluu :-[
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

wekekekekekeke, sayangnya gm baru masih dalam proses bargaining kiy, ya untuk sementara usulan anda sy tampung dulu ya mas black.....  :P

*lha uwis jogo kok,..khan shift2an, nek semalem nang ticketing terus mengko bubar partyne,...wakwkakwkakkwakw  *piss*  :-*

cen'ne seru soale ada mas black jhonnnn...hihihhi

heeh,,luarbiaso pastinyo,,kokookkokokok