
THREESOME @E Lounge, Saturday, Oct 3, 2009

Started by rick, 25/09/09, 15:31

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use your wildest imagination

E Lounge,Be trendsetter not followers
here iam...

@pulo tirang

aku juga kiy,,,,,wekekkekkekek

merindukannn kaliaaaannnn........................  :-*

nitip bebek suir ya bu  ;D

Quote from: iNsideR on 27/09/09, 21:38
merindukannn kaliaaaannnn........................  :-*

mrene to john ..  ;D ;D


i'll be there johnyyy.........tp beda tanggal aja  *piss*


merindu semarang n all the people's also..... :-*  :-*

ps: yg fair yaa "threesome"-nya  :P
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pasti jon! sama kya mas agung, beda tgl tp  :)

ditebar donkk ahh mlm yg gokilnya di Jogja, ga kangen apa..
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

siap jon

YMT,...ihiirrrrrrrrr *piss* jhonnnnnnnn....

huahahaha.....yang membawakan tas dj

kpn tho iki ...  *piss* *piss* *piss*

*maap, lupa ingatan*  :-\