

Started by bLacK daMAN!, 26/07/07, 17:08

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gw dukung italy donk,,tp parah bgt yah grupnya??!! :-\ :-\

btw ada yg tau hasil semalem ga milan vs celtic??

^ ^ ^

Milan 1 - 0 Celtic
Mr. Inzaghi on the scoresheet! 8)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

ricardo kaka terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik eropa !

" penghargaan ini HANYA bisa saya dapatkan dengan bermain di klub sebesar AC MILAN ! "

drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


club besar yg diperingkat 9 itu yaa.. :P :o

Roma udh,Fio udh,lazio menunggu,
gokil dah INTER gw skr.. :)
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

hahahahaha !!

club besar peringkat 9 !!! setuju tuh gw !!! hahahaha !!

peace ah !!!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: luthfi on 05/12/07, 18:16
ricardo kaka terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik eropa !

" penghargaan ini HANYA bisa saya dapatkan dengan bermain di klub sebesar AC MILAN ! "


jangan lupa, bahwa sekarang inzaghi juga leading goalscorer in europe... ;)
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

07/12/07, 19:55 #606 Last Edit: 07/12/07, 19:57 by dedoSixteen
iya leading goalscorer in europe !! cuma tahun depan ngga bisa masuk championship league sih percuma aja !! hahahahahaha !!!!  *piss*
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


update !!!

Aston Villa   1 - 3   Portsmouth
Chelsea   2 - 0   Sunderland
Manchester U.   4 - 1   Derby County
Newcastle U.   2 - 1   Birmingham C.
Reading   3 - 1   Liverpool

Athletic Bilbao   0 - 1   Real Madrid
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


09/12/07, 14:56 #608 Last Edit: 09/12/07, 14:58 by bLacK daMAN!
Quote from: dedoSixteen on 07/12/07, 19:55
iya leading goalscorer in europe !! cuma tahun depan ngga bisa masuk championship league sih percuma aja !! hahahahahaha !!!!  *piss*
yoii...gw setuju'ne sobb!tapi bknnya target mrk thn dpn piala intertoto sobb?! :P :P
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |


hahahahahaha !! maybe..abis mau masuk champ walopun misalnya (ngga mungkin sih kayaknya) mereka juara tahun ini, tetep aja ngga otomaticly tahun depan ikut lagi !!! hahahahahaha
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


Quote from: sonique on 05/12/07, 21:51
Quote from: luthfi on 05/12/07, 18:16
ricardo kaka terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik eropa !

" penghargaan ini HANYA bisa saya dapatkan dengan bermain di klub sebesar AC MILAN ! "


jangan lupa, bahwa sekarang inzaghi juga leading goalscorer in europe... ;)
mecahin rekor gerd muller yg 62 gol, inzaghi udah 63 gol di champion..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

iya deh banyak golnya !!!! hebat inzaghi !!! hihihi !!!
For every Skrillex, there is a J:Kenzo


hahaha... know ur position mate! especially for inter... the team that "finally won" (or should i say given) the trophy after all this years... remind me how many years that ur team gone through without any trophy? 20 years rite? ooohh upppsss... sory... i think its more than that... my bad!

yeaahhh... u should proud of ur team... after all this years u finally won ur first so called "Major Trophy" coppa italia... hooray! thats a big achievement rite?

yeaaa rite... milan is nothin compare to inter... milan "champion of europe" is nothin... kaka awarded as "the best player in europe" is nothin... inzaghi "the leading goalscorer of all time in europe" is nothin...
but inter won coppa italia si SOMETHING! inter got scudetto is SOMETHING!

interfans 1 : do u know that milan won champions league last night?
interfans 2 : soo what? we got coppa italia?
interfans 1 : yeeaaaa rite! who need champions league if we can get coppa italia!
interfans 2 : hahahahaha... rite... poor milan!

salute to inter!  *tepuktangan*
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take


Anjroottttt lu leeeee.... daleeemm abiess..  ;D ;D ;D
Tapi gwe sutuju le sama omongan luw... hihihihihihihihihihihi

btw kenapa team Holland gwe masuk ke grup neraka gituh yah??
alamat bisa ngga lolos ke 16 besar niehh...  :'( :'( :'(

Diiiii.. lu megang team mana bwat piala eropa??
gwqe maw nitip ahh di ke lo.. biar uang gwe muter... huahuahuhahahuha
>>> The World is a VAMPIRE.... <<<<

10/12/07, 00:00 #614 Last Edit: 10/12/07, 00:07 by bLacK daMAN!
hahaha..sbnernya gw ga pernah blg Inter lebih hebat keseluruhan dr Milan sih...
cmn ternyata our fellow milanisti terlalu bersemangat menjelaskan ttg miLan.Ok dr sejarah tlah membuktikan Milan lebih superior dr Inter.Koleksi gelar eropa maupun lokal pun kalah.Seharusnya sebagai club "champion of europe"
one of the player "The best in europe"  other "the leading goal scorer in europe".Apakah bkn suatu yg ironis melihat posisi peringkat mrk..(?) apakah lho cmn bs truz bangga mandangin lemari lho yg penuh gelar itu pd saat Inter diatas.. (?)
Ya gw sih skr cmn lg nikmatin kejayaan Inter aja sihh..,masa2x sulit kya milan skr alamin ini udh dilewatinlah oleh para Internisti.Selama 20thn Kita ttp sabar,setia dr dulu jaman suramnya Inter ampe skr bs lebih baik.Para Internisti skr tersenyum menunggu saat2x seperti ini skr,dmna para Milanisti panik, n bercerita ttg kehebatan2x milan utk sekedar nunjukin...klo milan "still da great lhoo" ya ya ya.

Gw setuju sejarah membuktikan milan lebih superior!bahkan saking superiornya,Inter blom prnh merasakan degradasi,Milan udh :P Last but not least,gw percaya kok kemungkinan terburuk milan ttp bs lolos champion thn dpn!(scudetto??sory u hope 2 much).Tapi jika bner2x ampe gagal lolos.....sebagai tetangga,gw yakin Inter mau kok nerima poor kaka n inzaghi ;D

"Chayo" MiLan!
*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
you don't get paid for the hour, you get paid for the value you bring to the hour
| www.embassytheclub.com | http://vibemagz.com |

buat yg debat sekilas info *piss*

Middlesbrough     2 - 1     Arsenal

Reading  3 - 1  Liverpool

Manchester United  4 - 1  Derby County

Chelsea  2 - 0  Sunderland

arsenal kalah cihuy, ga ada fabregasnya langsung telap ;D

chelsea menang lagi, tapi ga ada drogba masih bisa menang trus ga ya :-\ ntar kejadian kaya arsenal pula :-\

ayo chelseaaaaaaa *piss*


ada baiknya arsenal kalah di awal2 gini dulu deh.. daripada kaya dulu setelah puluhan partai tak terkalahkan, kalah sekali langsung merosot gila2an mentalnya.. :)
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

capello nih kayanya yg mau menangani the three lions..

any comment guys?
audio  - video - disco
I hear - I see  - I learn

yaaa ntar liat aj......

smoga baik2 ;D

leeee.. the special one digosipin mau ngelatih milan leee..  *tepuktangan*

lo ngefans abis kan sama mourinho ;D ;D

gimana tuh le ;D ;D

gw ngedukung dimanapun mourinho ngelatih *piss*

12/12/07, 20:32 #620 Last Edit: 12/12/07, 20:35 by sonique
hahaha... gosipnye sih begitu... katanya ance musim depan mau menangani itali kalo si donadoni gagal (yang besar kemungkinannya)... tapi kalo donadoni sukses (yang kecil kemungkinannya), si ance katanya akan menggantikan rijkaard d barca... just wait n see aja lah...

However for all his genius – is Mourinho the right kind of character for AC Milan?
The Rossoneri are renowned as a club who pride themselves on their class, prestige, history, diplomacy and political correctness.

u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

capello ngelatih inggris? kayanya langsung beda gaya permainan deh inggris, tapi siapa tau jadi lebih deadly hehe ;D

nanti sore jam 5 di lativi URAWA REDS vs Ac Milan *tepuktangan*

go milan go *tepuktangan*
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


ronaldo dipastikan ga bisa main... parah nii orang cedera mulu...
jadi milan hanya punya striker murni gilardino en inzaghi doang... semoga mereka berdua aja cukup deh untuk memenangkan kompetisi ini... *sedikit ragu, tapi mempunyai harapan tinggi...  :-\
u should feel what i feel
u should take what i take

the special one mo latih milan....

ap yg tjd???

urawa reds 0 - Milan 1 (seedorf)

milan advanced to the finals meeting boca juniors !

goodluck milan *bgs*
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)
