
Events => Sumatra events => Topic started by: lazydog | rico on 02/05/07, 12:44

Title: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: lazydog | rico on 02/05/07, 12:44
medan motorshow 2007
2-6 mei 07 @griyadome

4 mei: mayo (future10), rico (monohouse)
5 mei: mayo + ditto (future10)
6 mei: rico (monohouse)

c ya there.. *piss*

also for diz weeekend
4mei @chatternite. puti bungsu . garudaplazahotel (friendster.com/chatternite)
5mei @ripcurl store grand launching. sunplaza

cheers :)

Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: for.an.angeL on 02/05/07, 12:48
support rico... !!!  from us at jakarta..  ;)
Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: dbkz on 12/05/07, 17:41
Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: NinBo on 13/05/07, 03:09
support Co... ;)
Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: lazydog | rico on 13/05/07, 12:29
thanxx guysss  *piss*

and diz weekend@merdeka walk anniversary ..yeuukk hehe
Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: trancecity.tranceport on 15/05/07, 10:54
apalagi tuh?? wah bang deejay rico ini.. makin kondang aja..

Kondang nya bagi2 lah..


Ntar kalo aku pulang ke medan.. minta tandatangannya ya bang deejay.. huihuihiuhuihuihuihuihuihi
Title: Re: Medan Motorshow 2007. 2-6 mei 07
Post by: lazydog | rico on 15/05/07, 12:05
ahh kalau kondang2an mah, masih kaw lah yg megang cep, dari sabang ampe merauke sapa yg ga tau cecepp.. agen dunia/akhirat hahahaah.. eh coy, i'll be in ur town diz weekend.. get ready! :P

anyway, a big thanx to mayo n ditto (future10) for spinning@chatternite|gph.. thanx sob!.. asik ada guest dj, eke bisa istirahat kabur pergi makan bntar halahh hahaha..  *piss*
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