Events => Sumatra events => Topic started by: lazydog | rico on 05/01/10, 17:48
permisiiiii.... *piss*
And the journey continue...
Rampage presents
- Rico (monohouse)
- Adhi (monohouse/spinach)
- Gerry Grey
- Valdo
Shout By MC StereoDUB (Monohouse)
No FDC (..just dress ur ass up, and bring it down here :)
For RSVP 061 4573 900
Love Laugh Live
Support your local talent
Its gonna be another dirty nite from MONOHOUSE finest chef
Check our music @
http://monohousemusic.blogspot.com (http://monohousemusic.blogspot.com)
whooop ! :D
wah gw disuruh kesini ... sundullll ;D ;D
sukses broo,medan dah *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *tepuktangan*
done... next??
lagi dong bro..kemaren gw ke entrance gilak how the FCUK did it goes from david penn wondrous ke trance tiesto :( mc nya juga 'party never stop' 'give it up for entrance' 'put your hands in the air' trus (I mean stfu and let the dj do the job already..) hehehe..
Bahaha biar gak salah paham gw blm pernah ke event monohouse makanya minta lagi, yg gw bilang di atas maksudnya pas malam minggu lalu ke entrance dr house tiba2 trance..
Tapi yg lain enjoy semua kok mungkin gwnya aja yg aneh haha and that mc turned out to be mc dadakan entrance jadi no biggie, everybody falls for the first time, I remember I fell.. HARD
Quote from: David Tjin on 31/01/10, 12:54
lagi dong bro..kemaren gw ke entrance gilak how the FCUK did it goes from david penn wondrous ke trance tiesto :( mc nya juga 'party never stop' 'give it up for entrance' 'put your hands in the air' trus (I mean stfu and let the dj do the job already..) hehehe..
Bahaha biar gak salah paham gw blm pernah ke event monohouse makanya minta lagi, yg gw bilang di atas maksudnya pas malam minggu lalu ke entrance dr house tiba2 trance..
Tapi yg lain enjoy semua kok mungkin gwnya aja yg aneh haha and that mc turned out to be mc dadakan entrance jadi no biggie, everybody falls for the first time, I remember I fell.. HARD
so you should come to our next event bro :)
here it is..
http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=27719.0 (http://www.ravelex.net/forum/index.php?topic=27719.0)
Diusahakan hadir ;)
Itu mc nya pas event apa bro???