
The Crane Stand (BEST Laptop Stand utk DJ/Producer)

Started by mahesh2012, 20/06/11, 15:24

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20/06/11, 15:24 Last Edit: 20/06/11, 15:31 by mahesh2012
READY STOCK: Crane Stand - 2 unit
Made in USA

DEMO UNIT Available.

Deskripsi sesuai dari:  http://www.thecranestand.com/products/the-crane-stand-2/

"The Crane Stand is fully adjustable and can be used with many different DJ devices such as CDJ's, keyboards, MIDI devices, projectors and laptops. Constructed from high-grade aluminum, the Crane Stand folds to approximately 1″ thick, making it lightweight and portable for traveling. With no assembly or loose parts to misplace, the Crane Stand is a useful tool for the performer on the go.

- #1 in stability
- Highest level of quality
- Made in the USA
- No Loose Parts
- Light Weight (3lbs)
- Aerospace technology
- Versatile
- Fast and easy to set up
- Lifetime Warranty
- Complete with owner's manual and carry bag
- Absorbs bass rumble


Seperti terlihat di Video tersebut, Crane Stand masih bisa dipakai sebagai laptop stand biarpun diguling mobil, dilempar dari atas gedung, ataupun di lempar keras ke tembok karena bahannya dari Aluminum - Aircraft Grade Aluminum (aluminum yg dipakai oleh pesawat2)

Saya sendiri pakai Crane Stand, dan saya bisa menjamin kekokohan dan stabilitas produknya.

[COLOR="Lime"]Harga Jualnya:
Rp. 2,050,000[/COLOR]

Dealnya bisa COD di Bandung biar bisa lihat dan dicoba barangnya. Atau kalau mau dikirim ke luar kota juga bisa lewat TIKI/JNE (ongkir ditanggung pembeli).

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