
[WTS]Edirol R 09 Portable Recorder

Started by Yuri, 01/12/08, 17:48

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Edirol R 09 nih, Portable recorder, cocok bgt buat:

1. songwriter u/ capture their inspiration anywhere & anytime..
2. buat dj yg mo bikin mixtape / record their live gigs..
3. Producer buat nyari Soundscape / record voice anywhere & anytime

Pristine 24bit WAV/MP3 Recording in the palm of ur hand..

harga 3jt saja, nego tipis

kondisi 95%, baru pake sekali, buat di test doang,
deskripsi liat di http://www.edirol.net/products/en/R-09/ atau di
Super Duper Lengkap, box, manual(bhs jepang, yg inggris bs di download), dc power supply, sd card 64, kabel data,

silakan, tawar aja dulu.., kalo mau foto2 lagi, bs gw email, ada banyak foto2 nya, thx

soriii lama bgt gw terisolasi dr internet, PM sent to jerome & deejay

Ada harganya di atas, 3jt --> turun jadi 2.7jt...

update, turun lagi jadi 2.5jt .. nego!!, silakan di tawar2 dulu,, :)

turunin lagi donk bos....
pm donk harganya kalo aja jodoh

mana nih yang jualan...
niat ngak sih