
for sale vinyl

Started by spinach records, 25/06/06, 19:06

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25/06/06, 19:06 Last Edit: 05/07/06, 20:22 by spinach records
sob,gue mau jual beberapa plat gue nih gue jual antara 125 sampe 100 rb dan 250 rb utk double pack gue jual rugi loh nih abs sayang nggak kepake di set gue

kuffdam & plant-summer dream-monster tunes rec-125 rb------sold
mauro picotto-Lizard (Montana's Lizzy 1014 remix)-nebula rec-100 rb
avalon-circa-reset records-125 rb
rank 1-top gear-high contrast-rec-125 rb
montana-klepta enromus/platinum-maelstromre rec-125 rb
firewall-sincre 2005-a state of trance-100 rb
dj shog-jealousy(marcel woods rmx)-logport rec-125 rb
marcus schuls & gabriel and drasden-without you near-ultra rec-100 rb
fred baker vs greg nash-the system-spinnin rec-100 rb------sold
manno de jong-tundra (transparan blue vinyl)-intuition rec-100 rb
marco v-false light original/marcos thunderdub mix-be your self music-125 rb
purple haze-rush/eden-oxygen recordings-125 rb------sold
sander van doorn-pumkin-oxygen recordings-125 rb
marco v-automanual (transparan blue vinyl)-id&t-125 rb------sold
inbox-point of departure-black hole records-100 rb
paul van dyk remix 1 double pack-born sloppy,binary finary 1998 etc-250 rb
4 strings-jewel-liquid records-125 rb
e craig-never fall in love again-reset records-100 rb------sold
marcel woods-monotone-high contrast records-100 rb
apogee-tribal affair-captivating records-100 rb
pg 2-txetxe's memory-captivating records-100 rb------sold
marcus schuls-coldharbour selections vol 2-armada records-100 rb
e craig vs ratty-call it a sunrise (here i am)-reset records-125 rb
ernesto vs bastian-dark side of the moon-high contrast recordings-100 rb
fred baker & vincent gorczak-la part des anges- a state of trance-100 rb

kalo ada yg minat bs pm gue atau ke hp gue 08158761340.tx


hehehe tau aja lo sob abs sayang sih tuh plat nggangur nggak kepake dari pada dianggurin mendingan gue jokul hehehe ntar kalo dpt tempat gue kabarin lo,okley bos

wah gokil LP's nyaaa.....tapi saayang gue baru beli di juno.....buset kenanya mahal banget yach kalo beli dikit. mending beli dispinach kalo gue tau.
btw bisa request order gak?
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

iya sob bener banget kenanya mahal gila 1 plat bs 190 rb blm lagi ntar onkos ngirim kerumah lo kena lg emang murah beli di toko2 sini tp kalo emang udah ngebet banget sm plat 190 mah ngak ada artinya sob yanggak,kagak jajan kagak jajan deh hehehe dispinach bs nitip ko sob tinggal lisa nya aja elo kasih ke orang toko gue btw yg gua jual ini kagak ada di toko soalnya ini plat gue,gt bos  ;D

Gw pernah belanja di juno sampai 10 plat lebih, waktu itu ga kena ongkos kirim/shipping gitu...Paling hanya bayar fed ex di depan pintu aja, itu juga cuma 100 ribu,,

Kalau beli dikit emang kena ongkos agak banyak, yaah maklum lah dari uk ke indo jauh juga, hehe