
For SALE Behringer BCD2000 [SOLD OUT]

Started by rizaldy_room507, 18/04/08, 22:11

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18/04/08, 22:11 Last Edit: 25/04/08, 21:43 by rizaldy_room507
bro gw mau jual BCD2000 gw nih, buka harga 1,6jt itu udah dpt hardcase buatan gw sendiri.
kl ad yang berminat ap mau nego PM gw aj.

pict menyusul.
feel the sensation of trance music

mahal banget seh... barunya aja gak sampai segitu :)

cek pm pls...

sedoooooooottt mangggggg......^^

21/04/08, 11:38 #3 Last Edit: 21/04/08, 11:40 by rizaldy_room507
@dj network
namanya jg org jualan bro
hehe ;D ;D
kan gw kasih bonus hardcasenya kl beli baru kan gak dpt hardcase.
masih bisa nego bro kok..

@dj 3j4
cek pm bro
feel the sensation of trance music

SOLD !!!!!!!!!!!
so many party...
So Little time..
So much to do..
So just drop the job and PARTY!