for sale,, Pioneer CDJ 900 & CDJ 2000 - New

Started by La_Musica, 07/02/10, 22:27

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07/02/10, 22:27 Last Edit: 21/11/12, 15:51 by La_Musica
For Sale :

Pioneer CDJ 900 & CDJ 2000 - baru dan bergaransi resmi pioneer indonesia ( PT.AAE)


Designed with today's professional dj in mind, the cdj 900 is a new multi-format cd & digital media player with the reliability and quality standard you can expect from the industry standard Pioneer cdj series. Building on the formidable cdj 800, the cdj 900 hosts a whole new series of features which puts it in a league above the competition. Firstly, it offers full compatibility with nearly every audio format in use by the modern dj, including mp3, aac, wav, cd audio and aiff. A usb input allows the dj to play tracks directly from a flash drive or hard drive, whilst the new lcd screen interface provides much more track browsing information than ever before. Building on the previous model, the 900 features 6, 10, 16 and 100% pitch range values, allowing for a much more user-defined mixing experience. The revolutionary 'slip' function silently continues song playback during a loop, reverse or scratch and continues audible playback at the exact time when the loop, reverse or scratch is ended creating smoother transitions. Also, the new Pro dj link feature (exclusive to the Pioneer dj range) allow up to four cdj 2000s or 900s to be connected in sync to play media off a single source. In order to aid the professional dj, Pioneer have released and included the 'rekordbox' music management software, helping you to quantize, set cue points and mange your personal music library. In addition to all of this, the usb output on the rear allows direct connectivity to pc, for realtime control of leading dj software such as Serato and Traktor. A truly incredible addition to the industry standard Pioneer Pro cdj range..

Front loading, single CD / media deck
Cd/cdr/cdrw/mp3/aac/wav/aiff compatible
FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, HFS+ compatible
+/- 6, 10, 16 & 100% pitch range
Instant start time
LCD panel and Graphic User Interface
Auto beat-loop function with beat divide
'Slip' loop function
Vinyl emulation touch-sensitive jog wheel
Looping function with loop in/out edit
Track structure wave display
Key control (master tempo)
Anti shock
Bpm counter
Pro DJ Link - enables up to four CDJ - 2000/900s to be connected and share a single music source
Gold plated rca outputs
Digital output
Free Rekordbox Music Management Software Included

Ready stock !!!

Call for best price

For more info contact us :
JL.Tebet Raya No.58b Lt.3
Phone : 021.70376761/ 085691000082
YM :

thx....  ;) ;)

hrganya brapaan gan?
hehee. ..

sukses sob racun baru nya...wkakakaka

BAGUS BOS..HARGANYA BRP??Tebet mananya???

mantaf!!!!!! sukses jualannya.....

@ andre 86
thx sob....

@ ichad
cek PM ya bro

@ senx
wakakakakaka..... d tunggu kbr gembiranya lho sob hehe....

@ dejay
hihihi... di tunggu orderannya lho sob hehehe.....


mantap mas... ;)
For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s :

ayo .. ayo ... limited stock ...  *bgs*
BPM DJ Studio
Glodok Plaza Lt 6 No. 14 - 15
0813 1533 5858

ayo,, ayo,, yg lg cari alat dj...

Ayoooo Temans...... Gear Ciamik

harga nya berapaan gan?  (?)  (?)  (?)

cumabisamupeng MODE ON
"E" represents "euphoria"...

racun ganasssssssss....

bro bisa pm estimasi harga cdj350 set ngga?

Ayooooo...... Harga sudah tertulis yaaa....... ;)

Dibeli.... Dibeli.... gear Ajib...... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

om, minta masukan, CDJ 900 keunggulannya dibanding sm CDJ 1000 apa aja ya bro ?

oh nambah lagi om, kl CDJ 900 kompatibel sama Traktor DJ gak ?

mupeng banget gw....kantong menipis... :(
"Enourmous Uplift"

mantap om, bantu up
MBP 13 + MicroKorg + M-Audio Oxygen + Senheiser PX100 + WD MyBook Studio Edition 1T + BlackBerry BOLD + Ipod Touch + Crumpler Salary Sacrifice + Crumpler the Chumpy

ayooooooo...... generasi baruuuuu