
++ Headphone Technics RPDH 1200++ [SOLD]

Started by pikibun, 17/05/10, 01:03

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17/05/10, 01:03 Last Edit: 03/07/10, 02:46 by pikibun


*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

mas klo mau 500rb PM saya...thx

masih ada ngga nih barangnya?

Quote from: Kepala Suku on 28/05/10, 16:17
mas klo mau 500rb PM saya...thx

masih jauh bro..

Quote from: padang3 on 28/05/10, 17:09
masih ada ngga nih barangnya?

masih bro, minat??
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

sering dipake y?
stronger like my dad...

we still loving you dad..

miss you always and ever...

021-999 321 91

Quote from: dEMOn13 on 31/05/10, 13:43
sering dipake y?

lumayan sih bro..
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

:bump: :bump:
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

bump bump!
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

ahhh..gilaa..barang bagus jual murah, lagi bokek gw...duit blom turun blom bisa belanja gw.. bantu up dulu deh!!!

"Enourmous Uplift"

nett nya brp boss... pm ya best price nya
For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s : earthquakeshop@yahoo.co.id

Quote from: DJ Rangga_Electros on 01/07/10, 14:57
ahhh..gilaa..barang bagus jual murah, lagi bokek gw...duit blom turun blom bisa belanja gw.. bantu up dulu deh!!!

thanks bro.. :)

Quote from: earthquake on 01/07/10, 22:24
nett nya brp boss... pm ya best price nya

cek PM bro..
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

gw bantu bump untuk orang yg berjasa buat gw hahaha yang mau direpotin sama gw dulu hahahaha

Quote from: randybotak on 02/07/10, 01:23
gw bantu bump untuk orang yg berjasa buat gw hahaha yang mau direpotin sama gw dulu hahahaha

hehe mas boy bisa aja.. sukses bro.. thanks bump nya.. :D
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left