
dijual HDJ 1000

Started by DJ Boss, 11/10/07, 05:07

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dijual HDJ 1000 msh mulus bgt,ada dus,baru pake 5x buat latihan dirumah....
hrg 1jt pas...
just call me at 021 99775584

ada foto nya sob? *peminat serius
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

ada email ga sob?
ntar gw kirim via email...

Waah boleh juga..bisa nego ga msh?ada foto ga?
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

wah sob,gw ada fotonya...
tp klo nge post foto di forum ini gw ga ngerti caranya....
paling nggak gw kirim via email...

@ DJ Boss

mau dong kirimin foto nya dgn resolusi yg bagus hehehe...

ke pikibun@hotmail.com

on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

wew...boleee tuchh.....

masih nego pan mas...?

*ngarep jd 500rb* hehehehehhe

bos,fotonya ud gw krm k email lo ya...

@DJ 2L3
sory sob harga pas...

sob, fotonya kok di bungkusin sih? ngga keliatan detailnya tuh hehehe, liat kondisi dr bbrp angle dong... sori ya ngerepotin... thanks..
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

maaf bwt smua tmn2,trutama mr.pikibun...
HDJ gw udh laku...kmrn dibeli sm tmn gw...
peace. :)