
Jual Headphone 2nd TECHNICS RPDJ-1200

Started by didjeri, 10/06/08, 11:02

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dipake 6 bulanan aja..kondisi msh bagus bgt,mo ganti RPDH ..price 1jt aja..ayoo..ayoo..
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

lebih enak RPDJ dari pada RPDH kok sob....... percaya deh...... hahahaha  *piss*
nettnya berapa???

pasnya brp om? msh kemahalan tuh om...beda dikit sm yg baru...

nett 950K. PM aja yups...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

kalo gw bayarin lagi boleh ga? ehehehehe

BOLEH DONG...hahahaha  *piss*
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

ga ada yg berminat nih? ayooo...di diskon lagi lho.. ;D
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

PM best price sm CP nya yah. Thx.. ;)

ms ada ga sob???? pm gw donk
Only Hell will open your mind....

pm gw ya sob netnya

PM super duper nett-nya dooong.....

waah..lupa ngasih tau...sorry...sold out guys..thank you to La Musica...
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"