
Jual Headphone RPDH 1210

Started by Debon, 12/09/07, 00:57

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Dijual Headphone Technics RPDH 1200.. Kondisi 95% jarang pake.. baru 3 bulan,, 900 ribu aja...


Quote from: olis on 12/09/07, 00:59
Waduh mas, ntar deh kalau udah jadi DJ... :D

makanya kursus aja buru2.. main pk CDJ mah sebulan jg langsung bisa...

boleh liat kondisi? gua berminat nih...
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

oiya, ada kantong nya jg ga?
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

msh nego/ud net sob??
tmn gw ad yg nyari tuh kyany!!!

om debon, kalo korting lagi gimana sob? biar gua bisa beli baju buat lebaran.... hehhehe... kbr2 ya kalo negotiable... *ngarep dahsyat
on the left side of my brain there's nothin right
on the right side of my brain there's nothin left

waah,,bole tuh om,,

bs nego kgk nii,,???
Silent is Gold...!!!

waah mau juga tuh sob..ada foto nya ga ya? RPDH itu pake colokan 3.5mm juga ga kayak RPDJ 1200? buatan mana ya?
"the most advanced,complex & fertile of electrically-powered equipment in the world is neither software nor hardware--it is a piece of wetware called the human brain"

Buatan Jepang Guys.. Technics Matsushita electronics... Kemaren udah diliat ama pikibun dan akan dibaarin weekend ini.. Sorry guys.. Thanks..

uda kejual blm neyh technics nya ?

sudah laku kayanya ya...
For more info contac us :
JL.Radio Dalam Raya No:15
samping ace hardware
Phone : 0812-9007679
Email/F.s : earthquakeshop@yahoo.co.id

udah kejual guys.. thanks for asking...