
Buset deh Indonesia.............

Started by tenshi, 06/11/08, 22:20

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Gue rencana mau beli cd case merk Slappa. pas gue lagi mau liat cara order di slappa website, tiba2x gue baca ini:

How does SLAPPA calculate shipping costs?

We offer the lowest pricing possible to cover the cost of shipping our product to you. In fact, we tend to undercut the shipper's prices in order to offer our customers the fairest pricing possible. SLAPPA does not make a profit on the shipping costs charged to online customers.

We are working very hard to increase our distribution to retail stores all over the world in order to make SLAPPA products locally available to everyone.

Please note that we do NOT accept orders that originate from and/or ship to Indonesia.

capee deh....

ada yang jual slappa case gak sih disini? atau ada info yang jual di singapore?
Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".


ya gitu deh.. either mereka tau rese n jahanamnya kantor pos sini, ato pernah kena fraud order paling..

btw dealer resmi Slappa Indonesia tuh DAVID URS, kontek dia langsung aja bro..

tapi klo mau beli yang 128 dobel pad, gw mau jual punya gw 2nd mulus ne..


uhauhauh gak nyangka cuma cd case aja sampe di ban. gue kirain yang sampe harganya jutaan di fraud.

btw contact david urs berapa ya?

Angel (tenshi) is made up of two kanji with the first, ten, meaning heaven and
the second kanji, shi, meaning messenger. Literally then these kanji read "Heaven's Messenger".

duh kasian amat ya negara kt  :-\ :-\

no David URS  - 08161143943

menyedihkan :-\ sampe ga di percaya buat ngirim2 barang aja :-\ parah2 :-\