
Jual: Moog Theremin

Started by flab, 07/01/08, 17:59

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07/01/08, 17:59 Last Edit: 07/01/08, 18:09 by flab
Temen gw mo jual Moog Theremin: http://www.moogmusic.com/detail.php?main_product_id=64

Barangnya baru banget..masih gress...hasil menang lomba desain....tp sama orang bea cukai udah d buka box-nya.

Mo dijual harga 4jt....ato tukeran langsung ama Wacom Tablet. ( http://www.wacom.com/intuos/6x11.cfm )

Kalo ada yg minat kabari aja ke: barotoardi@yahoo.com.sg ato langsung ke orangnya di io_email@yahoo.com.sg


moog thereminnya masih ada?

hahaha... barang langka ya... postingan tahun 2008 om...
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