
Midi Controller..Midi Controller..Midi Controller..Midi Controller..yiiuuuu.....

Started by AdaGio, 25/02/10, 04:12

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Para Juragan, aye numpang jualan 2 midi controller gokil berat bekas aye pake sendiri nih,

1. Novation Remote Zero SL

Super Multifungsi MIDI Based Controller baik untuk sequencer DAW studio, maupun untuk control Modul Ableton Untuk maen LIVE maupun untuk jadi expanded Plugins control.

Powerpoint Fitur :

Super LAYOUT : 
32 push cc buttons, 8 trigger pad / Vel. Based. 8 throw fader, 8 rotary endless encoder , 8 Midi cc knobs & Transport buttons section
kurang banyak apa coba???? hahahaha.... dijamin satu layout pieces controller, fits almost everything u neeed.
belom lagi ditambah modul editornya yang gokil en in depth ( gate, momentry, push trigger / toggle, value customize etc etc) pokoknya tool yang cocok klao mau ngutak atik midi bridge to DAW to the next level...

LCD: 2 x 144 character silver. Blue LED backlit
transmit all the information dari DAW (ableton, cubase, logis, reason, protools, DP ) , u name it lah... en TERMASUK major PLUGINS information, sehingga bisa jadi bridge komunikasi 2 arah tanpa harus lihat monior komputer setiap saat. bisa set untuk post-fader, pan, send bus, sampe peripheral yang ada di vst/AU kita..

a very intuitive bridge program untuk pre-mapping ulang maupun ngambil preset2 DAW yang komunikasinya antar kontroller ke software jadi 2 arah... gap erlu botak baca2 mmc command line dari manulanya software DAW maupun sampe ngutak atik MAx/MSP cuman buat coding info ke screen, en masih banyak lagi fiturnya..

pokoknya udah jadi temen baik gw deh kmaren ini baik di studio maupun on live gigs with ableton, durabilitynya juga tergolong solid buat gue.. berat euy lepasnya... hehehe... oh iya kondisi 90% mulus terawat banget

2.5jt..... NETTTTTTTT

2. Behringer BCR - 2000

daft-punk dulu pake nih... hehehe... 32 rotary knob based midi controller with LED pickup value & masih banyak lagi fiturnya.. sama kog... bisa buat kontroller.. bisa juga buat DAW MMC control maupun plugins controller..

   •   Unique, total-recall, cascadable desktop MIDI controller with analog feel and intuitive user interface
   •   24 high-resolution encoders with LED rings for ultimate control over virtual mixers, synths, samplers and effects processors
   •   4 virtual groups with 8 dual-mode, high-resolution encoders that feature LED rings and an additional push function
   •   16 + 4 illuminated buttons freely assignable to all types of MIDI functions from note on/off, control change and program change to MMC and system exclusive data
   •   All panel elements freely assignable—manually or via user-friendly learn mode
   •   Two additional multi-function foot switch connectors can be used to address all types of MIDI data
   •   32 user presets each with 4 encoder groups
   •   Configurable MIDI and USB modes for ultra-flexible system integration
   •   1 MIDI In plus 2 MIDI Outs, usable as an additional USB to MIDI interface
   •   Multi-function, 4-digit LED display with real-time parameter indication plus write-in fields for your own labeling
   •   MIDI Input with merge function for cascading several control units
   •   Easy connection to any computer/expander, etc. using standard MIDI In/Out connectors
   •   Generic USB MIDI support with Windows XP and Mac OS X operating systems
   •   Additional drivers and editor/librarian software available for free download at www.behringer.com
   •   High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life
   •   Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany

fullset, dus buku kabel etc etc... kondisi mulu ga ketolongan karena ga pernah dipake en majang di studio doang buat nge rame ramein... hahahahaah

1.2jt... NETTTTTT

Lokasi POs Pengumben, Jakbar, COD Prefferably

Call/ SMS  for Info n query ( Lagi Jarang online )
0856 9176 8846 Marcell,
ato follow @abletonfreak   hehehehee.....


udah ada maschine doi...
mantep gan.. ;D
S A M E    S H * T    D I F F E R E N T    D J

wah koq tercium bau traktor x1 juga ya?..naksir zero sl-nya boz, tp controller gw blm kjual ni. kira2 bakal kburu ga ya?

cek pm gan....

tahx ya dah dibantu up... cheers'

gw dah liat tuh barangnya. okeh punya ...
kayanya knal nih BCR nya...

recommended seller

Nice barang nih...

Gile yee.. BCR harga kaga` jatuh2 ..hahaha..

sukses dagangannya gan... *bgs* *bgs*


Jln. Resolume no. 3 RT.008/RW.008 Kelurahan Arkaos, Kecamatan MotionDive, Kota VisuaL.

barang bagus nih,
mau tanya bro, behringer itu latencynya kerasa gak sih
modelnya bagus tuh