
Jual New pioner Hd 1000

Started by khalid_special_k, 09/07/12, 18:38

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09/07/12, 18:38 Last Edit: 09/07/12, 18:59 by khalid_special_k

mau nawarin nih pioner Hd 1000
barang baru

Minat Hub 021-41607375 / 085776635417

dijamin grees bgtt

harga 1.200.000





10/07/12, 14:44 #2 Last Edit: 10/07/12, 14:51 by khalid_special_k
Quote from: dilmar09 on 10/07/12, 01:08
ngomong" itu yang made in apa? :)

made in china

hati2 gan ketipu sama pioner abal2 by clarion
ada yg beberapa yg mirip di side kupingna
tp dr gagangna sih kliatan antara pioner asli sama abal2na clarion

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