
dengerin trance tapi sober di CLUB???hehehehe

Started by emry62, 14/03/07, 18:58

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listen the alcohol, drink the trance,,, ;)
Pasal 1:
Bopal selalu benar

Pasal 2:
Kalau Bopal salah, lihat pasal 1


no comment :P
RESPECT all kind of GENRE :)

Kayanya gw selalu sober ;) biar lebih nikmatin musiknya..klo mau nikmatin suasana dg lebih, ya paling beberapa gelas aja lah *piss*

Apalagi klo dengerin di mobil , kudu sober bgt ;D *piss*
- R C R D -

sober maupaun gak sober gak ada bedanya...trance ttp enak. hehe..
Trance Is The World's Most Beautiful Music ever..

bisa bisa yayaya...buktinya jumat-sabtu kmaren di cosmic gate-corsten gw bisa tahan mpe jam 03.30 pagi.  hebat yah gw?  ;D ;D ;D
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

cosmic gatenya keren ya ktnya?? menyesal tak datang..hehehe...
Trance Is The World's Most Beautiful Music ever..

yoiiiii keren bgt! sukses membuat gw terbatuk2 depan spiker, tp gw tetap kuat dan teguh! ahahahahhahaa..hebat yah gw??  8)
No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am

gokkiiiillll....tp itu membuktikan trance bs didenger dlm kondisi apapun...betul???
Trance Is The World's Most Beautiful Music ever..

Tetep walau sober disarankan pegang minuman sendiri biar ngga ditawarin orang lain..

G always sober kok....anytime anyhwere......favourite drinks aj orange juice ma pocari sweat. heheheheh...enak2 aj kok!
Keep on dancing and on and on and on and so on!

dengerin trance tapi sober di CLUB ??

hobi gw nih sekarang begini.

drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


sambil ngetik juga enak. bawaannya kalem, ga tertekan sama beban kerjaan di kantor yang menumpuk

bisa kalo merem, jauhin godaan hahahah

kalo pertanyaannya di rubah : bisa ke dancefloor lagi sober ga?

nah itu susah jawabnya

 *tepuktangan*...oww..what a call
bisa sob....i've been sober for almost 5 years..bisa gak perlu mabok..u can make faboulus trance music...trance is a dope for me...hehehehe

Bisa bgt,ga harus kobam juga kaleee klo cuma dengerin trance,trance itu musik yg paling enak didenger dlm kondisi apapun (**Menurut gw yaa),,,,
Contact Person :
pinBB 2855DE90


bisa banget, tried n tested....mulus......tanpa rasa bosan , tanpa rasa penat dan tidak tergoda dgn tawaran2 tmn2 yg pd ga sober......

bisaaaan bangett......tp mules-mules......huahahahaha....

tp sober pun emang enak kok dengerin trance

dengerin trance tapi sober di CLUB???hehehehe


Derita Loch lah,,,,hehehehehehe

*piss* *piss*
Trance is a style of electronic dance music developed in the 1990s. Trance music is generally characterized by a tempo of between approximately 128 and 150 BPM, melodic synthesizer phrases, and a musical form that builds up and down throughout a track.

Klo trance mah harus sober biar bisa tau irama2 sedihny . . .
Hahaha . . .  :P
