

Started by dirtynumbangelboy, 28/02/08, 20:43

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Due to the aggressive and threatening tone of email and messages left for Marco V both online and with his management, the show in which Marco was to perform as the 1st international DJ to play in Damascus in Syria has been cancelled.

After discussions with the promoter and authorities both in Holland and Syria, it was decided that it was too dangerous for Marco to go ahead with the gig.

Marco said: "Obviously we get all kinds of comments on the boards, mostly positive, some not so good, but never anything like the death threats we received this week. I am very upset that I won't be able to make it; it would have been a first for me, and a first for Syria. At the end of the day we had to consider what's happened and take what is sensible advice. Hopefully one day the situation in Syria will allow international DJs such as myself to come and play as we do in every other part of the world".

"Threats of any kind need to be considered carefully, and taking that into account cancelling was the only option we could take" said Marco's manager Anna Knaup. "As Marco said - it was going to be a historic gig for him as well as for Syria, to our knowledge no international DJ has ever played there before".

emangnye ada apa sih di syria?
parah banget V ampe diancem mo dibunuh getu
kesian parah banget belom pernah ada international dj yang kesono ...  :P

sangarrrr betuullll..... :-\ :-\ :-\

padahal sama2 perdana yah (marco v & syria nya), emg ada konflik apa ya disono?

timur tengah soooobbb.... pasti ada aja sih gue rasa.... apalagi kalo bule kan nano nya tingkat tinggi...
Infinite Numbness Vol 03 and Vol 04
Click 2 Download

kayanya sih kalo timur tengah lo tau sendiri kan STRICT banget sama party, clubbing dll.
melanggar syariat katanya kekekeke..

i love you marco v !
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)


SYRIA : lg konflik antara Hizbullah vs Israel.....

wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

wah serem juga yh, sbner ny gokil tuh bwt syria untuk pertama kali ny dtgin dj luar,
tp mw gmn lagi gr2 perang itu sih huh,

mudah2 an g ad travel warning deh bwt dj2 luar k indo gr2 ujan yg makin deres akhir2 ini

and btw ad slogan,"Make love not war" hehhe

Quote from: room507 on 28/02/08, 22:21
and btw ad slogan,"Make love not war" hehhe

jd pd intinya drpd perang mending ML ajah... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

**hehe...maap nyampah dikit *piss* *

@ psychoteraphy

hahah betull broooooo,, enakn gt kan dr pda perang hihi

"mmaap nyampahjuga dikit doang"hehe


@ topic
hmmm ternyata gua pikir di indonesia doang yg kaya gitu
padahal kan bisa make love with music, kali aja jadi damai secara party bareng kekekeke
yang gokil diancem mo dibunuh, nano juga kalo gua jadi si markovi ..

beda tapi ya timur tengah sama di arab
Dubai menjadi salah satu negara yang nightlifenya paling gokil kayaknya, cmiiw

04/03/08, 23:22 #10 Last Edit: 04/03/08, 23:25 by joey_30
Sorry rather Out Of Topic, tp pgn ngebahas juga nie... :) Dubai masuk negara UEA, tp secara perkembangannya Dubai seperti pulau Bali di Indonesia bahkan lebih, Donald Trump aja inves gede2an di negara itu buat bangun Hotel, Kasino, etc... ya bagaimanapun buat UEA, Dubai pastinya menjadi salah satu penghasil devisa terbesar buat mereka... temenku ada yg kerja di Dubai sebagai pegawai hotel dan gajinya hampir 4 kali lipat drpad gaji di indo, blm termasuk dapat asrama yg katanya keren bgt ngadep pantai... dia bahkan sempet juga liat AVB perform di salah satu club di Dubai...peppermint club klo ga salah...  gmana apa kapan2 qta road trip ke Dubai nie? :)

i can only say one of the city that he loves so much is JAKARTA!!! and obviously at both Vertigo & X2 respectively... he have shown the BEST of his performance for us...:)