

Started by Gober, 29/01/06, 21:56

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Trance is a style of electronic dance music that developed in the 1980s. Trance music is generally characterized by a tempo of between 130 and 160 BPM, featuring repeating melodic synthesizer phrases, and a musical form that builds up and down throughout a track. It often features crescendos and breakdowns. Sometimes vocals are also utilized. The style is arguably derived from a combination of largely electronic music such as ambient music, techno, and house. The origin of the term is ambiguous with suggestions that the term is derived from the Klaus Schulze album Trancefer or the early trance act Dance 2 Trance though it is likely that both these uses are linked to the perceived ability of a drum beat to induce altered states of consciousness, aka a trance. As this music is almost always played in nightclubs at popular vacation spots and in inner cities, trance can be understood as a form of club music.
This world is theater stage (dunia ini panggung sandiwara)

trance mantap apa lgi tech nya.. huhhhhh ajibbbb



Trance is perhaps the most emotional genre in electronic music. It can make you want to burst out cheering or start crying for no reason.

- contekan dari wikihow.com

trance salah satu musik yang bisa membawa emosi. trance adalah "jiwa"..:)
Trance Is The World's Most Beautiful Music ever..

full element & catchy....

mnurut gw...
Dark is more deepest...

......adalah keindahan Melodi,BassLine yang Kuat dan Beat yang Menghentak..Bersatu dalam Harmonisasi yang Bernama TRANCE !!!!!



trance is a state of mind, emotion, expression, and vision.
"...im a part of something you're not.."

Trance menurut gw sesuatu yang bisa membuat lupa diri...alunanya ampe merasuk ke sumsum tulang..urghhh daleemmm bangetzzz

24/11/08, 12:27 #158 Last Edit: 24/11/08, 12:31 by Reds
Pertamanya sulit jg bwt ngedefinisiin music trance secara pribadi. Setelah baca page ini, makin jelas apa yg jadi definisi music trance itu sendiri. Thx bro Gober.  *bgs*

Ohh gitu. Susah juga ya arti trance itu apa..
wtb: nike dunk

Buat gw trance itu kyk doa yang dijadiin electronic music hehehe
Past. Present. Esok

Trance adalah.......Senandung Surgawi yang sengaja dikirim ke Bumi.........oooowwhhhh :'( :'( :'(
"Enourmous Uplift"

we believe......
we love......

"Musik Trance membuat sense alam bawah sadar kita untuk bisa merasakan bebasnya Pikiran,Perasaan,dan hati serta bisa menjangkau batas mimpi manusia dalam segi estetik".  *piss*
"Learn The Dance..Thrill The World"

trance=hoaaahheeemmm...ck ck ck...zzz

gw kalo denger lag trance selalu merinding.. hhihihi

gw kalo denger lagu trance yg bagus  selalu merinding.. hhihihi sanking enaknya

 :D sound,vision,emotion,touch,scent *bgs*  *bgs*
Dark is more deepest...

trance adalah......perjalanan

trance adalah......kehidupan

trance adalah......nyawa

trance adalah......kreatifitas

trance adalah......emosi

trance adalah......perasaan

trance adalah......TRANCE !!!!!
Only Hell will open your mind....

Kl mnurut gw trance yg paling evolved dr roots of all electronic music which is house..

Semuanya udah ada di forum, apalagi penjelasan dari Uncle Gober... Komplit suripit... hati kecil cuma bisa bilang dalam keadaan sadar maupun tidak sadar yg jelas TRANCE adalah the Best Music bagi gue...wekekek

Trance memang enak sih,,,gtw kenapa trance Buat Merinding Pendengarnya...

Hebat Trance !!!

Hidup cuman perlu internet buat OL di rvlx !!

Quote from: belta on 08/04/09, 19:23
"Musik Trance membuat sense alam bawah sadar kita untuk bisa merasakan bebasnya Pikiran,Perasaan,dan hati serta bisa menjangkau batas mimpi manusia dalam segi estetik".  *piss*

kayaknya pernah ngomong gini deh gw..
"Enourmous Uplift"

trance ...hmmm melayang layang- kadang bikin mood jd inget seseorang...hueheue.
psytrance....yeah gokillllllll bgt....