
INNERLIGHT -Conversation With You Video Clip

Started by innerlight, 12/03/08, 19:31

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keren banget deh mas eddie
sbentar lg bisa diliat di tv2 donk.......... *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs* *bgs*

mantep om !
btw film anak setan tuh belom release yah ?
koq gk pernah ngeliat di bioskop dll. ? (?)
drug is not a child's play, its a men play  8)



mas eddii ama cewe ceweeee..
pasti abis soting pada ke senayan yaaa wooo.. woo.

hauhauahuahauhau ;D ;D
whatever people say i am, that's what i'm not

ih bung eddi dikelilingi pere'...... ;D ;D
ajojingan selalu

wihh mantappp... cieee ciee dikelilingin cw2... yg mana yg nyangkut? ;D ;D *piss*
btw anak setan film beneran ya?kirain bercanda hehehe... hebat euy bisa jadi soundtrack.. *bgs* *bgs*
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

Quote from: innerlight on 12/03/08, 19:31

OST from ANAK SETAN the movie.
ciamik bos eddie, yg rambutnya bondol kesorot mulu boljug tuh :P

Mantep edi Samsuuu...
he he

sedap....atmosphere nya java sekaleeee...heheheh

emang ni lagu ga ada matinye deh !

coba itu cw cw nya pada nge-liquid yak?
pasti makin canggih dah video nya
welcome to my weekend

2 thumbs up  *bgs* *bgs*...

hehehehe..  *piss*
Plemburan Pride ***

13/03/08, 00:45 #14 Last Edit: 13/03/08, 00:47 by bebe.ocean
wuiihh *bgs*
dikelilingin cewe2 eeeuuuuy...
mantep tuenannnn...

samsunya mana mas?? kok mboten ketingal toh??? huaheuaheuaheuae
*bgs* *bgs*
When you love too much, you're always expecting something in return, and setting yourself up for disappointment.
Loving someone endlessly and unconditionally isn't love it's a compulsive disorder and a form of emotional blackmail


tp di video clip nya dikasih liat setanya gitu...serem gw sialan :-\

what the perfect track ?

harmonisasinya mantep...
tone-nya mantep..
masteringnya mantep..
clipnya mantep..
artist-nya mantep..

*tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Alamakk... Udah lagu nya keren,, jadi soundtrack film pula.. Mantap deh mas Eddie,,, Apalagi cewe2 di Video nya  ;D ;D
Russia With Sound

hihihihihih cewe2nya lucu2,,,, cakeeeppp *bgs*

mas eddi ga kalah kereenn,,, hihihi
wealth is of the heart & mind, not the pocket

13/03/08, 02:33 #19 Last Edit: 13/03/08, 02:34 by dj_roy_xspinn
Kereenn video clipnya mr eddi....
Sukses yah.... *tepuktangan**tepuktangan*


cewek2nya dapet dmana yakkkk?:)

mas eddie jogedannya kayak PVD juga nih...telunjuknya naik-naik ke atas hahahhahaha

sedaapp...  ;)    gadis - gadis nya biyutipul...  *bgs*   *bgs* 

mas edi nya juga keyyen...   *piss*   ;D

   *tepuktangan*     *tepuktangan* 
* For those about to Trance.. we Salute you *

Lagu ajojing buat filem serem.....???
Bolehlah, byar gak pada takut kali yah