
Silent Disco...

Started by Gober, 14/02/08, 15:15

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14/02/08, 15:15 Last Edit: 14/02/08, 15:20 by Gober
Silent disco...

konsep ajojing paling nyeleneh saat ini. Orang bisa jogedan, tapi ruangannya ga ada sound system.
So dari mana mereka denger musiknya? well theres a new technology called wireless headphone.
semua orang yang dateng ke venuenya diberi wireless headphone buat dengerin musiknya.
kalo tiba tiba pacar lo nelpon nanya lo dimana, lo bisa bilang, lagi bobo... hehehehe...

liat videonya disini :

One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

dulu pernah ky gituh waktu homses sama temen2, kebetulan backyard rumahnya luas. tp, ga pake wireless headphone, pake mp3 player masing2. kurang asik sih, soalnya dancenya ga ada yg sinkron. orangnya jg sedikit, jd agak2 lucu aja ngeliat yg lain.

nanti di playground beneran ada yah?

Unik banget nih konsepnya...Tak sabar merasakannya di Playground! Lucu banget pasti...Tapi malesnya ntar kalo ampe ngantri...

yoi di playground bakal ada silent disco, the first in asia!!!

jangan ampe ketinggalan kocak nih...
One cigarette costs 2 minutes of your life. One bottle of beer costs 4 minutes of your life. One working day costs 8 hours of your life.

Ravelex.net - Administrator
Email : Admin[at]rvlx.net
Phone : 021-9996-7859 (office hour)
fax.: 021-7

hihihi... seru seru... tp pasti ngantri nih di playground
....lighting can strike....