
ArKaos Grand VJ

Started by stormtroopers, 17/03/08, 18:22

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Kok layoutnya jadi kayak Resolume gitu ya?
Mix Mode

Synth Mode

ArKaos is releasing GrandVJ, which sets a new reference for VJ software. GrandVJ is an entirely rebuilt and redesigned replacement of the legendary software ArKaos VJ. It is designed to be as easy to use as its predecessor, but adds the flexibility and performance that is required by today's leading videojockeys and DJs.


Dual Synth / Mixer mode
State of the art multi-threaded hardware accelerated graphical engine
Real-time access to all mixing parameters
Intuitive customizable user interface
Full Midi / Keyboard mapping of all mixing parameters
Multi-screen support
Automated Video Generators
High resolution output
Upgraded Effects Library
Support for a wide range of video/image formats: mov, avi, wmv, jpg, bmp, flv, ..
Flash Text and Animations
Multiple camera support
Available on PC/Mac with cross-platform file compatibility

selengkapnya di : http://www.arkaos.net/software/gvj_description.php

gabungan resolume + modul8

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keren pisan euy...

waaahh.. keren sih..
tp kok jdnya  arkaos mulai kehilangan identitas ya??

iya, ilang identitas arkaos.mixernya cmn 'dual' ya?

udah ada disawah gak ya...?

(biar bisa segera ada yg bajak:)


belon di release mas.. akhir kuartal 2 2008. brarti juni juli gitu deh

kalo nunggu original copynya berarti awal agustus 2008 udah ada tuh....

nunggu review sekalian bajakan dulu ahh.. penasaran juga..
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

wuih...keren tampilannya terang benderang secara kalo main di club hrs yg terang2 kyk gini
cuman kok bisa dibilang agak nyontek sama resolume ya....????
trus kira2 support buat Vista gak ya....?heheheheheheeeeee....... *piss*

nyontek sih enggak... mungkin terinspirasi  :P secara ada tambahan explorer filenya kyk resolume.... menarik  *bgs*... feature output mapingnya keren .... mgkin lbh bagus dari modul8 neh... ayo ayo berburu ;D  ;D

kerreeeennn....thanks berat for the info *piss*

mari menunggu.....:)

wow....beda banget ama yg gw pake.

jadi pengen nyoba.

nanti kalo udah ada bajakannya kabar-kabarin dunk.
tapi kapan ya.????????

10/06/08, 14:15 #15 Last Edit: 10/06/08, 14:18 by voltus
Arkaos grand Vj mungkin akan keluar dibulan juli ...
buat yang udah ga' tahan pgn coba....nih..


mungkin bisa kita review...

lama banget euy downlodnya....

wuahhh.. wuahhh....

mau dong..

pc: 224.1mb, mac: 227.4mb :-\
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

keren deh.................. ::)
underground movements...

keren coyy...crack nya dongg ;D

udah ada
Quote from: Rendy on 16/06/08, 01:39
keren coyy...crack nya dongg ;D

dah ada yang dapet crack nya???
bagi dunks.....

Walaupun belum ada versi"Sawah"nya, ternyata source dari arkaos grandVj ini compatible dengan Numark NuVJ....
jadi setelah donlot dan instal demonya... tinggal ngulik dikit untuk ngambil file content source-nya... trus dipake di NuVJ ...... terutama untuk Beat Sncy-nya..... MANTAB.......

Tapi boleh banget tuh kalo ada yg punya crack-nya...  *piss* *piss*

Di Forum sebelah ada yg nawarin tuh kayanya ...  ;D ;D ;D

Tengkyu guys ....

02/10/08, 07:44 #23 Last Edit: 02/10/08, 07:53 by Ricco.Sepet
ini gw upload-in keygennya

"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

..om sepet...udah dapet ajeee....emang paling mantep dah om..... *bgs* *bgs*
jawaban dari smua pertanyaan ada di om sepet *piss*