

Started by flicker_screen, 03/04/08, 01:10

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Yang ini gw juga yakin lo juga dah pada tau kaliii...yeeee...
cuman buat yg blom tau lumayan buat nambah2 pengetahuan sukur2 di praktekin...........

The Wireless, Gaming Visualist and the Nintendo DS

A portable computer on the back, a DS in the holster, the roaming visualist is ready to spin live eye candy in any situation, with only an S-Video port and four drink tickets to the bar.

Yes, if you happened to catch the wireless MIDI controller here on CDMo before it hit the rest of the blogosphere, I have good news: the download for DSMIDIWiFi is available today. You can now transmit MIDI from your DS to control your computer with no hardware other than a flash cart for running homebrew apps.

And, since Collin and Tob released their source into the wild, programmers out there have a great foundation for creating other apps. That means, not only is the DS Lite a tax write-off for the working VJ, it could be a student's digital media thesis project, too. (Heck, one piece of software provides both the project AND procrastination options, all in one, compact device ...)

File this next to the ndsvisuals project, which transmits via TCP and UDP, and is specially configured for visuals, including clip triggering and ordering, live scratching, and extra visual feedback on the DS screen. Unlike DSMIDIWiFi, ndsvisuals still isn't ready for download, but you can bet we'll let you know when it is. And developers / hobbyist programmers, it's worth visiting the ndsvisuals page for additional ideas and resources — the WiFi communications component was already out there and enabled both projects, for instance.

Via MIDI or UDP, it would be possible to hook up the DS to software like Processing (both MIDI and UDP) or Flash (MIDI with some work, probably better off with UDP) in addition to the traditional VJ apps. Processing + Nintendo DS sounds like an especially tasty option to me.

Lastly, if you're looking for an easy solution for running all this homebrew goodness, the DS-X shows lots of promise. All you need now is a game to suck up the rest of your time, but I'm guessing you can figure that part out for yourself. (I suggest Mario Kart, naturally.)

Now get that stylus finger twitching:

DSMIDIWiFi Free Download: Turn Your Nintendo DS into a Wireless Synth and Controller (Now Available!) [Create Digital Music]

Nintendo DS as VJ Controller, with vvvv and Homebrew Developer Tools

DSMIDIWiFi project page

ndsvisuals project page

DS-X and Homebrew Apps (probably the most plug-and-play solution) [Create Digital Music]

*tepuktangan*  *tepuktangan* ayo...ayo.... maju terus....  *tepuktangan*
*bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *bgs*  *piss*  *piss*  *piss*  *piss*  *piss*

compatible ama sofwer vj ga???

wah gak tau tuh om...... gw dapet infonya cuman segitu doank....
seharusnya sich compatible... kalo gak gimana ng-vjnya....

dulu gw pernah coba....cuma ga' berhasil
setau gw itu udah ada softwarenya harus install vvvv ( http://vvvv.org )
cobain aja...gw sih ga' berhasil ...karena kurang ngerti...dan kayanya aga' ribet  hehehehehhe
nanti klo udah ada yang berhasil ...kabarin gw yah...

gw pernah coba punya temen gw, cuma gw belom tau instalasinya, ga dikasih tau gw :(
"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

kayaknya ini mirip-mirip dengan yang controlling visual app pake wii remote-nya nintendo ya?

belom coba.....tapi pengen....

berhubung pake sinyalnya bluetooth, teorinya sih bisa pake HP ber-bluetooth y?
(berhubung hp ber-bluetooth pun ga punya.....jadi levelnya baru masih di "pengen"....huehehehe)

kl ada yg udah nyoba, share dongs.....

link: http://crustea.vjfrance.com/article-130714.html

ayoooo qita nyobaaa kapan ndroo..???

tp loe beli nintendo dsnya dulu yiaah,,,,


@ Chiefy:
yuk...yuk.. gw adanya nintendo yg jadul punya gimana donk...

setau gw teorinya sih harus pake program developer dari homebrew itu sob...ditambah harus bikin konfigurasi sndiri pake vvvv buat apa yg mo kita ubah ato gerakin dengan DS yg dah berubah fungsi jadi kontroler tsb.... emang serba ribet sih persiapannya... wahhhh super ribet di kepala deh  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

hei kawan2....gw baru nyobain lg nih ...saking penasarannya.....
akhirnya berhasil juga....

cuma ini pengganti kaosspad namanya kaosds ....tp bisa jg mapping2 rotary

caranya :   

jd install dulu DSMIDIWIFI SERVER di komp lo (mac/win/linux).... download disini http://dsmidiwifi.tobw.net/index.php?cat_id=1
trus baru install aplikasi di dalam Nintendo DS .... ada :

1. DS MIDI Keyboard v1.2
2. Kaos DS v1.2
3. Pulse DS v1.2

klo gw pakenya Kaos DS v1.2

tp harus connect internet setidaknya (wifi) dirumah gw cobain sih automatic karena ada router
klo di club gw pake 3,5gnya indosatm2 nanti di share ke ds
ini settingannya ( buat mac )


ya lumayan dari buat dipake di Modul8 kan ada axis-axisnya tuh...buat pergerakan effect dan motion
ngga' penting sih... cuma buat lucu2an aja kali yah.....  ;D
dari pada penasaran....ga' bisa2.. *piss*

Canggih! Nice One Afni!
Anarchy. Now

makasih....ang ....

mungkin nanti malem gw mo coba ...di centro acara GLAM ROCK 3

dateng yah...malem ini....
buat temen2 vj ...klo mau cobain dan share bareng ....dateng aja...
kan di centro enak tuh ...diatas lega.....bisa share2...
tengkiu.... *piss*

wah gw di pure sob, maap ya..next one deh..
Anarchy. Now

ga'papa ang....wah ..kangen2nan nih kayanya ma bayu hehehe...
thanx 4 support

setelah semalem gw coba.....ternyata jaraknya jauh juga....
gw bisa maen visual sambil jalan2, ke dj booth & nyamperin temen2 di bar (jangan ditiru...ga' bagus ) ;D
yah teorinya sih klo namanya wifi jauh jg, asal ga' ada penghalang...masih bisa ke jangkau
kurang tau juga sih,untuk jarak maksimalnya..... *piss*

wuuuyyyh afni canggih yaaah....

alah...situ kan lebih canggih
kan gw cuma cobain yang udah ada dan untuk kesenangan sendiri lg  ;D
klo lo tuh...bakalan buat untuk kesenangan bersama sob, bisa dinikmatin banyak orang lg
...itu baru namanya canggih...  *bgs*

dan hebatnya ...bikin dj jd ketutupan screen ...
berarti utamanya visual....hebat kan...bikin vj jd pemeran utamanya yang selama ini pemeran pembantu.. ;D

gw dukung...100% buat chiefy dan flicker screennya ....
sukses yah buat acaranya.... *tepuktangan* *tepuktangan*

Quote from: chiefy on 06/04/08, 04:55
ayoooo qita nyobaaa kapan ndroo..???

tp loe beli nintendo dsnya dulu yiaah,,,,


gw punya nintendo ds...pake punya gw aja...

coba yukkkkk


iya emang sich cepi itu vj paling gokil sob ;D ;D ;D alatna canggih2 sampe gua bengong doank kmaren :P
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