
LEMUR JAZZMUTANT-multitouch technology

Started by Vj Hellovision, 13/04/08, 22:28

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13/04/08, 22:28 Last Edit: 13/04/08, 22:37 by Vj Hellovision
The Lemur is a top of the range control surface for audio and media applications, that breaks from the prior art on several grounds. Its major innovation consists in its brilliant modular graphic interface concept and its exclusive multitouch sensor technology. The continiously growing palette of configurable graphic objects enables you to design made-to-measure interfaces by using the free available JazzEditor. This endows the Lemur with the unique and protocol independant capacity to adapt its behavior according to the application you are controlling: sequencers, modular synthesizers, virtual instruments, VJ software, 3D animation tools and light control.

ck..ck..canggih harganya brow ga kuat $2,999.00!!! daftpunk pake ini nih

kemahalan sob....
$2,999.00 mendingan beli 2 MD+1 V4+2 Notebook...hehehhee...
Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..

wah bagus tuh...interface nya mnarik
boleh di share weblink nya?
sayang ya harga nya...bener kata adhie...mending beli v8 ;D

"Don't play it safe standing for nothing. Better to die fighting for something"

-VJ illusion-

14/04/08, 12:13 #4 Last Edit: 14/04/08, 12:23 by stormtroopers
Untuk cuma jadi controller dengan harga segitu memang lumayan mahal ya.
pada saat concert nya Bjork di Jakarta, sampe harus khusus di shoot kamera, karena biar orang tau kalo controlling nya dari Lemur itu.

kemahalan...... tuh alatnya mas.... mank gak bole kurang heheheheeee.........

The Globalport beruntung pernah nyobain main live si lemur dengan modul8... pinjaman dari seorang teman.

*piss* *piss*

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keren nih lemur, pernah liat punyanya Ade Habz.
Keren, bisa ngeset interface sendiri yah?

iya.. bisa di customize interfacenya

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tar deh kl bayaran gw udah 12 juta sekali maen pasti gw pake si lemur ini ;D ;D ;D

mauuu dbeliiin :D
gambar kegedean

mau lemur? ya lemburrrrr..
Anarchy. Now

ati ati ah ntr jadi lemuran
Quote from: maxxxmotion on 16/04/08, 18:03
lemur daging enak.. ;D ;D ;D

kalo lemur jengkol gimans om??
*Image Removed*

kl mikir rada2 lambat itu namanya lemur... ;D ;D ;D

peke lemur skalian ama lebaut nya waaaaa perfecttttt    ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

kl pas acara ulang taun nyanyi nya :

paanjaaang leemuurnyaa.. ppaannjaaang leemuurrnyaa seerta muuliiiaaa..

;D ;D ;D

yg abis menang ami award pasti beli ini dech :D
gambar kegedean


Quote from: Discomfort on 16/04/08, 16:33
mau lemur? ya lemburrrrr..

setuju....lembur engga ada ujungnya...hahahhaa
Apa aja Bolehlah...asal engga senggol2an...ntar nabrak..

woy inget lumur.. (umur) haalaaah.. :p